The quest to identify UFOs and even find intelligent life on other worlds has been heating up for decades … to no avail. But there are still plenty of spots and wavelengths where aliens could be hiding. So, what would humans do if we found concrete evidence that we are not alone in the universe? Turns out, there’s no real plan for how humanity would respond, let alone how we would deal with such a monumental discovery.
The U.K. SETI Research Network (UKSRN) wants to change that by asking Earthlings their views on the search for aliens and how they’d react to a discovery. The network announced the survey, which it said is the largest such survey to date, yesterday (July 1) during the Royal Society’s Summer Science Exhibition, according to The Guardian.
The online survey includes questions such as:
If we discover a signal from extraterrestrial intelligence, would you:
— Not care much about it?
— Just follow the news, comment?
— Interact on social media about this topic?
And this one: Some people think we should send messages into space even if we don’t receive a message first. What is your opinion?
— This is a bad idea. We should ban people from sending messages.
— There should be rules or laws about who can send messages and what they can say.
— Anybody who wants to send a message into space should be allowed to do so.