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Asta’s Annotations: How to Make Your Editor (and Yourself) Happy

Asta's AnnotationsGreetings! My name is Asta, and welcome to my new column Asta’s Annotations.

Since this is my first time posting, allow me to introduce my column and myself. I am a published author of both mainstream (Nicki J. Markus) and LGBT (Asta Idonea) fiction. I am also a qualified freelance editor, working mainly on LGBT manuscripts. I’ll be posting a monthly column at Queer Sci-Fi in which I’ll cover a range of topics. However, my primary focus will be on tips and tricks for writers and style discussions. Wearing my editor hat, I’ll also offer some advice on preparing your manuscript/submission, and that’s where I thought I’d start today. All my posts will draw on my personal experience. It may be that my tips won’t suit everyone, but even if they aren’t for you, I hope they’ll offer a springboard to help you find your personal style and preference. So, without further ado….

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Dispatches from Hogwarts G.S.A.: Hello QSFers!

When Scott posted an open invitation to write a column for QSF, I thought: “Cool opportunity!” Then I thought, “What the hell am I going to call it?” That question followed me around for a while like a storm cloud, sending me hiding for cover, too filled with angst to even try to tackle a response. I mean, A: I’m an author, so whatever I called this column had to be clever and good. And B: QSF is a site for sci fi and fantasy fans and writers, so the expectation for cleverness is especially high. Then, C: Whatever I … Read more

For Writers: Taboo?


Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer Brian Cherry: Forty years ago, it was taboo to even write about gay love, let alone anything LGBTIQA… Twenty years ago, it was taboo to write about being transgender. Ten years ago, it was taboo to write about being non binary or intersex. So according to you, what is taboo or controversial to write about in queer fiction now? And should it be? Join the chat

For Writers and Readers: Cursing in Other Worlds

Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer Meraki P. Lyhne: Both writers and readers can join in here. Cussing in the future or in Fantasy worlds. What would readers find belivable? Like do the even consider that many derive from Christianity? Which wouldn’t be belivable in a world without the religion. And in the future? How original should the author be to make a belivable change to vocabulary? I am writing a futuristic story in which I am struggling with this – would my characters still say damn and crap and shit two hundred years on? Would it sound pretentious to … Read more

For Writers: FF Chicken and Egg Problem

Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer Heather Rose Jones: I’m trying to stick to topics rather than plunge into actual discussions, but one major logistical issue in broadening a primarily M/M venue is that it’s hard to attract more diverse content providers if you can’t offer them consumers, and it’s hard to attract more diverse consumers if you can’t offer them content. Hypothetically: an established M/M publisher wants to add a F/F line. They put out a call to authors. The authors look at the existing product and ask themselves, why would my readership shop here? Who will find me … Read more

For Writers: Going Backward

Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer Richard Wood: Could western society return to persecution and declaring illegal sexual activities of sexual minorities? If so how and why? It’s an interesting question. We all take it as an article of faith that “the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” But looking at some of the recent political developments around the world, you sometimes have to wonder. Has anyone written sci fi where things get bad again? How could it happen? And what kinds of stories could we tell around this premise? Join the chat

For Writers: Adjust-a-Bot

Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer Freddy MacKay: Freddy flagged this article: For perfectionist cosplayers, trying to create the ideal costume can be frustrating. If you don’t have a mannequin, then you’re stuck using a table and rulers and guessing your size. If you do have a mannequin, then it might be too big or too small, still resulting in rulers and guessing and potential tears the night before the convention. But now, there is hope! The Hong Kong Polytechnic University’s Institute of Textiles and Clothing has recently shown off their latest creation that combines robots and fashion in the … Read more

WRITERS: Share Your Blog

QSFer Gus Li suggested this topic for our authors. Many of us have blogs, and we’re always looking to network and build up our email lists. So today, if you want to trade links with other author blogs, post your blog link on the QSF FB group post (link below) and your email sign-up link. Then add the other authors that interest you here to your own blogroll or links list. Let’s trade links! Join the chat

For Writers: Writing FF

FF Fiction

Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer Carrie Pack Chowske: I’d love to hear the perspectives of authors who write F/F or bisexual or trans stories. Do FF authors face particular challenges because the field is so M/M dominant? My new book features a bisexual character and its sequel will have a significant F/F pairing. I’d love to know what the readership in those areas are looking for and what other authors are doing. Join the chat