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For Writers: Breaking Into Pride

Sacramento Gay Pride

FOR WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer ‘Nathan Smith: Some authors I know have had a great (and successful) time at various pride events, setting up a booth at the parades or after-the-parade areas, and I’d love to pick their brains on the hows and successes/challenges. Join the chat

For Writers: You Shoulda Told Me


FOR WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer Lex Chase: “Things no one told me when I became an author.” Um, let’s see. Writing is a lonely job. It’s hard to change prices on Amazon. You only get so many rounds with your cover designer before they blacklist you… I could go on? Share your own “shouldas”. Join the chat

For Writers: The Writing Wall

Brick wall 0011

FOR WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer Lex Chase: Lets share our tips for when you hit the writing wall. How do you relieve stress? Conquer the self-doubt? Or when the words just aren’t coming do you change your technique (like going analog?) or get out of your setting? Like leaving your house, going to a cafe, taking a long bubble bath, or such. Join the chat

For Writers: Writing A Series

James Eric series

FOR WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer ‘Nathan Smith: Knowing that audiences say they want series, but being aware of the financial diminishing returns—how long a series is too long, the different types of series, and do you write them in one go, or do you pepper with standalones, etc. Join the chat

For Writers: In the Present Tense?

Verb Tenses

FOR WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer Julia AT Weaver Flowers: “Using different tenses and/or mixing them in your writing”. It’s an interesting topic. IIn general, most writers use third person, although even this is split into a few versions, like deep 3rd person POV and third person subjective. Some writers also choose present tense to give a story a more immediate feel. This can be jarring at first, but it does put the story right in your face, like sitting in the front row at the movie theater. I’ve tried mixing both in one story – deep 3rd … Read more

For Writers: Cover Continuity


FOR WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer Richard Wood: I just noted a series in which the covers for the second and third books in the series both feature the main protaginists. They bear no resemblance to one another on the two books covers. In the second book the Earth Human character has tattoos, including facial ones, and red hair. The cover of the third one shows a no facial tattoos Blond. Should authors of a series try to have continuity of the cover characters too? In this case the only thing tying the covers together is the series … Read more

Asta’s Annotation: Taking it to the Bedroom

Asta's Annotations

Apologies for being a day late with my post. I thought I’d already scheduled this one ahead of time, but clearly I was thinking of last month’s post instead. Oops. Anyway, without further ado….

It’s summer here in Australia, and with the weather hotting up, it seemed a good time to talk about writing sex scenes. Plus, it conveniently ties in with one of our recent discussions. Below I’ll outline the four points to keep in mind to ensure your climax goes off with a bang.

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