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For Writers: Best Cons

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FOR WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer ‘Nathan Smith: “From the angle of what you’ve learned, gotten out of them, best return-on-investment/diversity/voices, etc.” It’s a good question, and I like that Nathan broke it up by what you get out of it, because different cons are good for different things. :) Join the chat

For Writers: Time Jumps

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FOR WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer Alicia Nordwell: “How do you handle timeline jumps in a short story? Novel?” This could be read a couple ways – flashbacks, gaps in time in the main story, etc. Join the chat

For Writers: Using Queer History

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We have so much history, a lot of it buried and only lately coming to light. It can be a springboard for so many things, including alternative history, sci fi, even paranormal or fantasy explorations of our collective past. So have you ever used real queer history in your stories in any way? How might you go about it in the future? Join the chat

For Writers: Fan Art

Fan Art

FOR WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer Ryane Chatman: From my nephew (10 years old), Authors, do you mind when people send you fan art? (For context, he sees a lot of the book covers when I do reviews, and often reads them when I post them. He sometimes likes to re-imagine the covers, or I will read him the description of the main characters and he will draw something based on that.) Join the chat

For Writers: My Favorite Characters

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FOR WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer Ryane Chatman: “Authors, do you have a favorite character type?” Maybe it’s the shy in RL and wild in the sheets lesbian librarian? Maybe the guy who “looks” like a top but is really a bottom? How about the ace woman who doesn’t give a shit what other people think? Or the guy (or girl or gender nonconforming character) who’s just a little oddball and off center? Join the chat