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Out of the Past – LGBTQ Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror in the 1970s

Hello! Welcome to the second installment of my series of columns on the history of LGBTQ science fiction, fantasy and horror. As I noted in my previous post, things had begun to improve slightly for SF/F/H readers looking for more positive portrayals of LGBT characters and complex perspectives on sexuality and gender in the late 1950s and throughout the 1960s. That trend accelerated after the events of June of 1969 when the police raided a gay bar called the Stonewall Inn in New York City. The raid triggered several days of rioting by bar patrons and other LGBT people. These … Read more

LGBT Slang – Discussion Point

The LGBT community has gone through many changes over the years and one aspect of that is its evolving lexicon. I thought it would be interesting to discuss this both as an historical subject and regarding the extent to which current LGBT authors incorporate slang terms into their writing. It is hard to tell how far back LGBT slang goes. Certainly the eighteenth-century molly subculture had its own lexicon, with some terms borrowed from thieves cant. No doubt the nineteenth century then adapted this to suit its own purposes as the decades passed. However, it’s in the twentieth century and … Read more

FOR WRITERS: Writing Multiple Stories

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FOR WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer Jaime Camille: How do you personally balance your creative writing life when you have multiple stories you want to do? Do you prioritize just one until it’s done, or do you juggle 2, 10, 100? And if so, how? I’ve been struggling with that one right now. Join the chat

FOR READERS: Are Multiple Pen Names Confusing?

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FOR READERS Today’s reader topic comes from QSFer Alexis Woods: Lately I’ve come across more and more authors writing under various pen names. I first ran into this with contemporary author Sierra Riley, who is also Aubrey Cullens and various others I think because there is a collective hive mind. Then there’s Noah Harris, who has several aliases, and a brother John, but is there really? I get it if you write in two opposing genres, like erotica and YA, but it can be difficult to search through a myriad of names to find books by the authors I like. … Read more

FOR WRITERS & READERS: Music and Writing

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FOR WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer Robin Harper: Music for reading/writing~? Love it? Hate it? Ever make a playlist in preparation for either~? :D Or do you find that ONE SONG and listen to it on repeat while you read/write into the wee hours of the morning? (no comment as to whether or not I am guilty of that one >>;; ) Join the chat