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FOR READERS: The Title Did It

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FOR READERS Today’s reader topic comes from QSFer Denise Dechene: A lot of readers talk about covers. That the reason they picked the book up and read the blurb was because the cover grabbed them. My question is what about the title of the book? Have you picked up and read the blurb on a book because the title grabbed you and you had to know what the book was about? Has a title of a book made you turn away and not want to read the book? Writers: This is a reader chat – you are welcome to join … Read more

For Writers: Choosing a Good Title


Today’s writer topic came out of our flash fiction contest. Angel suggested we talk about this. Writing a book, novella, or short story is one thing. OK, it’s the main thing. But there are a lot of other factors that go into actually selling the damned thing. Like the blurb, the cover, the pricing, the release date, and the title. A good title can convey what the book’s about almost instantly to the reader. it can tease them or enchant them. It can help to sell your book. A bad title can make your book a laughingstock, or worse. So … Read more