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Announcement: Jimmy’s Erotic Adventure, by Perie Wolford

Jimmy's Erotic Adventure

QSFer Perie Wolford has a new sci fi book out: Jimmy the time-traveler, while trying to solve a time-riddle his late father left for him, gets accidentally flung back in time, to the year 1871, the days of the Wild West, landing squarely in the middle of a valley of death. He stumbles into a pack of gun-toting rustlers, who capture him. To Jimmyís luck though, the youngest of the rustlers, Kit Fisher, is not like the rest of his folks. Excerpt Jimmy landed on his butt, smack-dab in the middle of a barren desert, hissing and cursing under his … Read more

Announcement: The Pill Bugs of Time, by Angel Martinez

The Pill Bugs of Time

QSF author and admin Angel Martinez has a new paranormal time travel book out: Vikash Soren, the perfect police officer except for his odd paranormal ability, never seems to lose his temper. Always serene and competent, he’s taken on the role of mediator in a squad room full of misfits. But on the inside, he’s a mess. Unable to tell his police partner that he loves him, Vikash struggles silently, terrified of losing Kyle Monroe as a lover, partner, and friend. But life in Philadelphia’s 77th Precinct doesn’t leave much room for internal reflection. A confrontation with a stick-throwing tumbleweed … Read more

Announcement: The Time Slip Girl, by Elizabeth Andre

The Time Slip Girl small

QSFer Elizabeth Andre has a new interracial lesbian time travel romance novel out: What if the woman you loved was more than a century away? Dara, a computer programmer from Chicago, is visiting London when she opens a door in an Edwardian house and slips into Edwardian England. Agnes, a beautiful London shop girl, takes in the bewildered 21st century American lesbian, but, as Dara begins to accept that she is stuck in 1908, she also begins to accept that she has feelings for Agnes that go beyond gratitude. And the longer Dara stays, the harder Agnes finds it to … Read more

Announcement: Time Waits, by C.B. Lewis

Time Waits

QSFer C.B. Lewis has a new sci fi/time travel book out: Badly wounded and on the run from his WWII Hungarian brigade, Janos Nagy stumbles through a temporal gateway to the future. Suddenly stranded in Manchester, England, 2041, Janos wants answers about a crazy world he doesn’t recognize. Dieter Schmidt, flamboyant historian/linguist for the Temporal Research Institution has those answers, but the TRI is a neutral entity, set up to verify historical events under a strict code of noninterference. That doesn’t stop Dieter from taking Janos under his protection. Trust doesn’t come easy to Janos, who came from a time … Read more

5 Tips for Lesbian Time Travelers

The Time Slip Girl small

by Elizabeth Andre Time travelling can be lots of fun, just ask H.G. Wells who wrote The Time Machine, but such journeys have special challenges for lesbians. Laws and attitudes have changed a lot over the decades. Being a lesbian can complicate a time traveller’s attempts to fit into a new time and place. Accidentally travelling through time can make the situation even more challenging. Just ask Dara Gillard. She’s an African-American lesbian from 21st century Chicago who accidentally travels to Edwardian London in my novel, The Time Slip Girl. This is what she says about how to prepare for … Read more

Announcement: Future Imperfect, by Pelaam

Future Imperfect

QSFer Pelaam has a new Sci Fi book out: Sterling Rossi thinks he’s just made history as the world’s first chrononaut. But if he’s the first to travel back through time, who is the attractive blond he sees during his jaunt, and why is his team so keen to deny his existence? Sterling soon realizes there are more forces at work than he ever imagined and wonders just what’s really happening, and who he can trust. As the truth unravels, Sterling has to go back in time to save his lover, while a creature from the fabric of time threatens … Read more

Where Are Our LGBT Time Travel Stories?

Today’s topic comes from QSFer Tammy Jenkins: “How about a discussion thread that looks at successful books/series/TV programs in heterosexual literature/entertainment that is either not being written in the LGBTIA or is underwritten in the LGBTIA or has yet to be done successfully. For the sake of this conversation, I will call this topic, Where is ours? Cyberpunk, Time Travel, Serious Sci Fi?” Let’s start with Time Travel stories. There have been some great mainstream sci fi tales, going all the way back to HG Wells and The Time Machine to more modern takes like The Time Traveler’s Wife. So … Read more