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REVIEW: The Man Inside Me, by Sean Kerr

The Man Inside Me

Title: The Man Inside Me Author: Sean Kerr Genre: Gothic Romance, Victorian Erotica  LGBTQ+ Category: MM Gay Publisher: SGK Publications  Pages: 202 Reviewer: Melissa Brus, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon About The Book Victorian London is a difficult place to be when you are gay, as Henry and Gabriel know all too well. When they were young at Oxford University, Henry and Gabriel’s love burned hot and bright, and they thought to change the world together until a devastating tragedy ripped them apart. Now, as youth fades away, Henry can no longer stand to see his own reflection in … Read more


QSFer Sean Kerr has a new MM Victorian gothic romance out: The Man Inside Me. Victorian London is a difficult place to be when you are gay, as Henry and Gabriel know all too well. When they were young at Oxford University, Henry and Gabriel’s love burned hot and bright, and they thought to change the world together until a devastating tragedy ripped them apart. Now, as youth fades away, Henry can no longer stand to see his own reflection in the mirror. All he sees is a sad, tired old man whose body has betrayed him. He craves the … Read more