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NEW RELEASE: Superheroes Take Over the World – Wendy Rathbone

Superheroes Take Over the World - Wendy Rathbone

QSFer Wendy Rathbone has a new superhero poetry out: Superheroes Take Over the World. Poems about superheroes by award-winning poet Wendy Rathbone. Some are familiar, some made up. These are their innermost thoughts, their ecstasies and despairs, their hatreds and loves. Some want vengeance. Some want to be worshiped. Some want to retire to a nice safe bed. Get It At Amazon Author Bio Hi, I’m Wendy and I’m a voracious reader as well as an author. Currently, I write all male/male romances and am lately focused on omegaverse. For many years mm has been my first love. The stories … Read more

NEW RELEASE: Strong – Christa Tomlinson

Strong - Christa Tomlinson

QSFer Christa Tomlinson has a new MM superhero book out, Arch City Guardians book 0: Strong. A Superhero Fights for a Second Chance at Love. Once St. Louis’s greatest superhero, Lieutenant Vince Strong has now retired to civilian life. With his newfound free time, he finds himself reminiscing about Jace – the perfect and gorgeous submissive that he pushed away years ago. When Jace returns to town after a fifteen-year absence, he reignites the fierce love and passion that Vince has never been able to forget. Determined to correct the biggest mistake of his life, Vince sets out to win … Read more

FOR READERS: Which Queer Superhero Resonates With You the Most?

superheroes diverse - deposit photos

FOR READERS Today’s reader topic comes from QSFer Scott: Out of all the superheroes who have come out over the last decade or so, which one resonates most with you personally, and why? Writers: This is a reader chat – you are welcome to join it, but please do not reference your own works directly. Thanks! Chat on FacebookChat on MeWe

NEW RELEASE: Hellfire – Michelle Schad

Hellfire - Michelle Schad

QSFer Michelle Schad has a new queer urban fantasy superhero book out (pansexual): Hellfire. For many, the United States is a land of opportunity and new beginnings – unless you happen to be ‘different’ from everyone else. Hadi Shahir is one of those people, different in more ways than one. Hadi can manipulate fire; he is ‘Evolved’.  All he wants is a new life and new adventures in this land of opportunity. His dreams become endless nightmares, however, that begin with an inexplicable hate crime that leaves the young man traumatized and untrusting of the world around him. A chance encounter … Read more

NEW RELEASE: All the Wrong reasons – Sebastian Hansen

All The Wrong Reasons - Sebastian Hansen

Sebastian Hansen has a new MM BDSM urban fantasy out: All the Wrong Reasons. And there’s a giveaway! The day after telekinetic supervillain (and billionaire philanthropist), Stetson Nadenheimer dies, he wakes up on the autopsy table and falls in lust with the man hired to cut his cold, dead corpse open. The problem is that the forensic pathologist is Doctor Julian Dandridge, the part-time superhero, Scatter. It’s probably a bad idea for a supervillain to get into bed with a superhero. Probably. Not that it stops him, but trying to start a relationship with a reluctant hero without getting caught … Read more

NEW RELEASE: DR. Z – Christa Tomlinson

DR. Z - Christa Tomlinson

QSFer Christa Tomlinson has a new MM superhero romance out, Arch City Guardians book 2: DR. Z. Mike Zielinski has joined St. Louis’s superhero team under his new secret identity as Dr. Z. He’s partnered with Aiden Saliette, code name: Stardust. Determined to keep their relationship professional, Mike hides his attraction to his gorgeous partner behind a no-nonsense exterior. Until one night, in an unguarded moment between them, he reveals his secret desire. Aiden loves being a superhero. What he doesn’t love is being stuck with an uptight new partner. But he grudgingly accepts Dr. Z’s help in order to … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT: Incompletely Human – Sean S. Bell

Incompletely Human - Sean S. Bell

QSFer Sean S. Bell has a new queer superhero tale out: Incompletely Human. Seventeen-year-old Oliver Thibodeaux (TIB-ə-doh) has been in foster care since birth. As a normalishBlack queer teen in search of a safe home, Oliver’s telekinetic and telepathic abilities move him from place to place. For years he has been taught to suppress his vast abilities for the safety of himself and others. But everything changes when he meets Roman Peterson: the kindest and strongest guy he has ever met. For once, Oliver feels a sense of belonging. Through father issues, love, and all things super-powered, Oliver has to … Read more

REVIEW: The Frogman and the Spy – Irene Preston & Liv Rancourt

The Frogman and the Spy - Irene Preston & Liv Rancourt

Genre: Romance, Superheroes LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Sherry, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon About The Book Spy vs Spy  Jim Calhoun and his sister Lori are just two Americans in North Abarra exploring their roots. They are definitely not off-duty CIA agents. Enzo da Silva is the head groundskeeper on Princess Odile’s country estate. He is definitely what he seems to be – the guy who trims the hedge maze and measures oxygen levels in the national forest. The Princess’s birthday bash is a major celebration every year. As the big day approaches, a series of accidents plague … Read more

FOR READERS: Super Like Me?

superheroes diverse - deposit photos

FOR READERS Today’s reader topic comes from QSFer Scott: Which queer superhero (TV, film, books, comics, games) to do most closely identify with personally, and why? Writers: This is a reader chat – you are welcome to join it, but please do not reference your own works directly. Thanks! Join the chat: FB: