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Will Superhumans Replace Us? Stephen Hawking Thought So

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Are we all going to be replaced? Stephen Hawking apparently thought so. In the grand tradition of famous physicists making claims about subjects beyond their scope of expertise, the great British theorist left behind a collection of essays in which he speculated about and predicted the human future. In one essay, published Oct. 14 in the Sunday Times, Hawking argued that humanity risks being replaced by genetically modified “superhumans.” Well-intentioned research designed to improve human health and human life, he wrote, will eventually be corrupted. People will start to modify humans to live longer, be smarter, or be more aggressive … Read more

SCIENCE: Stephen Hawking’s Family Will Beam His Voice Toward a Black Hole

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Stephen Hawking’s family plans to broadcast a recording of his voice toward a black hole while his ashes are interred at Westminster Abbey, according to a report in the Telegraph. Hawking’s most important work was on the structure of black holes. The famous physicist showed in 1974 that, contrary to popular belief at the time, black holes do in fact emit radiation. So it seems appropriate that a bit of radiation associated with Einstein will make its way back into a black hole. [Stephen Hawking: A Physics Icon Remembered in Photos] His daughter, Lucy Hawking, told the British press in … Read more

How Stephen Hawking Supported LGBTIQA Rights

Stephen Hawking

Physicist Stephen Hawking passed away early this morning in his home in Cambridge. He was 76. Hawking is best known in the academe for his work on black holes, general relativity, and quantum mechanics. And his best-selling book A Brief History of Time, as well as appearances on TV shows like The Simpsons, made him a household name. Hawking signed a letter asking the British government to pardon mathematician Alan Turing. In 1952, Turing was found guilty of homosexuality and punished with chemical castration. He committed suicide shortly after. “We urge the Prime Minister formally to forgive this British hero, … Read more