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FOR WRITERS/READERS: Asexuality in Speculative Fiction

Asexual Ace Flag

FOR WRITERS & READERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer J. Scott Coatsworth: We’re starting to see more diversity in speculative fiction. Even so, there are still a paucity of asexual characters.   Writers: Do you write ace characters? What are some of the considerations in getting them “right”?   Readers – who are your fave ace characters in speculative fiction? Join the chat

FOR READERS: Bi Visibility

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FOR READERS Today’s reader topic comes from QSFer J. Scott Coatsworth: What are your favorite bi characters in speculative fiction? Writers: This is a reader chat – you are welcome to join it, but please do not reference your own works directly. Thanks! Join the chat

ANNOUNCEMENT: Shotgun Bastards, by Andrea Speed

Shotgun Bastards

QSFer Andrea Speed has a new speculative fiction anthology book out: A collection of tales filled with monsters, be they human or beast, ranging in setting from dystopia to pitch black noir and even general silliness. From the ludicrous to the frighteningly plausible; from deep space to after the end of the world. There are clumsy werewolves and bloody revenge, monster sleep overs and a dieting fad sure to kill your appetite. Whether looking into the past or the future, you’re sure to find that stuff gets really weird. Get It On Amazon Excerpt Mad Monster Sleep Over It was … Read more

FOR READERS: Political Speculative Fiction

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FOR READERS Today’s reader topic comes from QSFer J. Scott Coatsworth: On this Fourth of July in the US, it seemed like a ripe time for this topic. Do you like to read books with a political angle? This can be other planetary or inter-pack or species. Does the backstabbing and double-dealing of Washington or Alderon get you excited, or make you want to blow up a planet? Any great stories with strong political themes that you’ve loved? Writers: This is a reader chat – you are welcome to join it, but please do not reference your own works directly. … Read more

FOR WRITERS: Writing a More Hopeful Future

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FOR WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer Jana Denardo: (Editor’s note: I’ve reworked this one a bit for current circumstances): I was raised on Star Trek with a happier view of the future than the current trend. In light of the current world events and order, should we be showcasing the idea of rising above the place we find ourselves? How can we do so within the framework of spec fic? Or are we just to broken down and tired to try? Join the chat

CALL: Less Than Three Press wants polyamory romances

Less Than Three Press wants non-erotic romances between three or more people for Happiness in Numbers, an upcoming anthology about LGBTQIA+ polyamorous relationships. They prefer stories where the central conflict does not revolve around the polyamorous aspect of the relationship. Any subgenre …

Read the full post on Dale Cameron Lowry’s blog for writers.

FOR WRITERS: Holy Frack! Cursing in Spec Fic

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FOR WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer J. Scott Coatsworth: Let’s talk about swearing in space. Or in the magical world of Elflorien. Or amongst the shifter wolves of the Red Tail Pack… How do you come up with convincing curse words in your particular world? Or do you fall back on the old tried and trues? Join the chat