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Know Your History: LGBT Themes in Speculative Fiction

Knowing the history of your genre gives you insight into how it’s viewed in the larger world. Why do publishers eschew works that push the boundaries? Which archetypes touch something in readers? Do you know your history well enough to shape the future of Science Fiction? Click here for a primer on LGBT themes in speculative fiction

Serious vs. Humorous Sci Fi, Fantasy and Paranormal

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Today’s topic was inspired by Angel: I’d say most speculative fiction is deadly-serious – in sci fi, will this planet continue to support us? Will we get to the stars? In fantasy, will we be able to defeat the evil-warlock and save the damsel (hey, what’s the male version of damsel?) in distress? In paranormal, will the wolves or vampires win the fight for world domination? But sometimes I want something a little lighter. :) So how about you? Do you like your spec fic deadly serious, as a writer or reader? Or are you more of a Hitchhiker’s Guide … Read more

5 Reasons We Need Openly-Gay Speculative Fiction Writers

Note: This article was originally posted on Council of Peacocks, M. Joseph Murphy’s blog, and was written by him. Reposted with permission. My second book, A Fallen Hero Rises (available on Amazon, B&N or Smashwords) features a main character who just so happens to be gay. People I trusted and respected advised me against it. They said it would ruin sales and alienate fantasy readers. I said screw it. I’m telling the story I want to tell because I know there’s an audience for it. I just had to find it. So I decided to research openly-gay speculative fiction writers … Read more