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For Readers: When is It Queer?

Today’s reader topic comes from QSFer Paula Wyant: How much does a character’s sexuality have to feature explicitly in a story for it to fall into the LGBTQUIA category? Do they have to be a relationship? Does the relationship have to be the central focus to the story? It’s a good question. We had this one at a Rainbow Con panel last year, from an audience member. For me, the simple fact that the protagonist is queer is enough, and introduces subtle changes throughout a story. But what do y’all think? Writers: This is a reader chat – you are … Read more

For Readers: Tropes We Love

tropes everywhere

Today’s reader topic comes from QSFer Hank T. Cannon: What sci fi, fantasy, paranormal or horror tropes do you LOVE? Extra points for LGBTIQA speculative fiction ones. Writers: This is a reader chat – you are welcome to join it, but please do not reference your own works directly. Thanks! Join the chat

Political Speculative Fiction

Star Wars Senate

It’s the US presidential election (for nearly another 5 months god help us), but do you like to read books with a political angle? This can be other planetary or inter-pack or species. Does the backstabbing double dealing of Washington or Alderon get you hot and sweaty or make you want to blow up a planet? Any great stories with strong political themes that you’ve loved? Writers: This is a reader chat – you are welcome to join it, but please do not reference your own works directly. Thanks! Join the chat

For Readers: There is Tons of FF!

FF Fiction

Today’s reader topic comes from QSFer Anastasia Vitsky: I think the difficulty is the perception that there is no market or readership of F/F. It’s a perception shared by many in this group, unfortunately. Our assumptions shape our reality. I don’t have any good answers here, just observations. It’s true, I didn’t know how much FF was out there until someone opened my eyes. So today is dedicated to talking about FF books, especially in speculative fiction. Who are your favorite authors? What are your favorite stories, and why? Writers: This is a reader chat – you are welcome to … Read more

For Readers: When is it Romance, and When is it Speculative Fiction?

Here at QSF, we are inclusive of both works that are romancey but have a sci fi, fantasy, paranormal or horror backdrop, and works that are sci fi, fantasy, paranormal or horror, but include an LGBTIQA character or relationship. And of course, there’s a big fuzzy middle, too. So we thought we’d ask our readers – where do you draw the line between speculative fiction and romance? And what mix do you prefer and why? Writers: This is a reader chat – you are welcome to join it, but please do not reference your own works directly. Thanks! Join the … Read more

Announcement: Transmutations of Fire and Void, by Matt Buscemi

Transmutations of Fire and Void

QSFer Matt Buscemi has a new speculative fiction anthology out: Fifteen short stories explore the formidable interstices between violent conflagration and frigid desolation. A facility generates power by obliterating aesthetic beauty from parallel universes; a “pink brick” defies the analytical capacity of a team researching an alien culture; a temple remains serene and unperturbed even as the world around it plunges into war; a young man with relationship problems is tormented by his own reflection; a deadly poisonous organism masquerades as an art show piece. Buscemi’s short stories make a hairpin turn into the violent fluctuations between fury and desolation … Read more

Announcement: The Myriad Carnival

The Myriad Carnival

Lethe Press and QSFer Matt Cresswell have a new speculative fiction anthology out: Roll up, roll up… The circus has long been that dream palace, intoxicating with so many lights and sights, sounds and smells. Sawdust, popcorn, strange animals, make-up, and the sweat of the roustabouts. The circus intrudes into the life of the ordinary and mundane and brings magic. Editor Matthew Bright invites you to the enjoy the sixteen attractions of the fantastical and dark Myriad Carnival. See the book trailer here Stories “Nettlestings: A Fairy Tale” by Sarah Caulfield “September Song” by Raymond Luczak “The Illuminated Omi-Palone” by … Read more

For Readers and Writers: A Romance for the Ages

Hey all, In honor of Valentine’s Day, we thought we’d talk about our favorite LGBTIQA speculative fiction love stories of all time. Nominate yours, and tell us why. Oh, and bonus points for a picture to tell the story. It can be from manga, written fiction, film or TV. Hint for writers: it should be someone else’s story. LOL…

For Readers: Villains We Love

Speculative fiction has a great pantheon of villains – from JRR Tolkien’s Sauron to Star Trek’s Khan. From Valdemort to Darth Vader. We love to hate our villains. So today’s question: who is your favorite spec fic villain? And for extra points, your favorite villain in LGBTIQ speculative fiction? Writers: This is a reader chat – you are welcome to join it, but please do not reference your own works directly. Thanks! Join the chat

For Readers: We’re Not All Americans

Much of the fiction we consume on a daily basis is written from the American perspective, and that includes speculative fiction. But Americans account for a small percentage of the world population. So my question today – what LGBT speculative fiction works have you read that gets out of the American Perspective? Writers: This is a reader chat – you are welcome to join it, but please do not reference your own works directly. Thanks! Join the chat