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New Release: Starlight and Stone – K.L. Noone

Starlight and Stone - K.L. Noone

QSFer K.L. Noone has a new MM high fantasy romance short out (bi, gay): Starlight and Stone. The quest is over. The battle’s won. What comes next? For Harth, now king, the answer’s rebuilding. Helping his people, settling into peace, with his loyal magician Tris always at his side. And Harth wishes for a happily ever after for himself as well, though he’s afraid Tris doesn’t feel the same. But maybe tonight, on a starlit night, Harth can find the courage for one last adventure: telling Tris how he feels. Get It At Amazon | Publisher Excerpt Revelry, guitar and … Read more

FOR READERS: How Long is Too Long? How Short is Too Short?

big book - pixabay

FOR READERS Today’s reader topic comes from QSFer Denise Dechene: I don’t read a book based on how long or short it is. That being said I know a lot of people do. Do you like short books, long books or don’t care? Writers: This is a reader chat – you are welcome to join it, but please do not reference your own works directly. Thanks! Join the chat: FB: MeWe:

INTERVIEW: Gay Actor/Producer Joseph Herrera Releasing New Horror-Mystery Film

We’re thrilled to have an interview with Joseph Herrera, an openly gay actor/producer who has just secured distribution for a new horror film called Reel Killz: Queer Sci Fi: Hey Joseph, thanks for hanging out with us at Queer Sci Fi. :) What’s it like being an openly gay in Hollywood these days? Joseph Herrera: I feel so lucky that I am not judged on who I’m sleeping with but only by what I can bring to the table here in the Dallas film community. I pretty much give that freedom to the gays before who fought for us to … Read more

FILM: Lesbian Erotica Meets Sci Fi in New Short

Experiment H21 is an adult short film featuring an all-female cast, exploring medical fetish and extra-terrestrial encounters. The story takes place in an alien medical room as two extra-terrestrial nurses perform erotic experiments on their patient.  The film runs for 13 minutes, and is a gift to anyone who loves science fiction or medical fetishes. With a soundtrack reminiscent of the X-Files, the colours, alien nurse costumes and medical bay design will captivate the imagination. You will be unable to look away. It is mysterious and erotic all at once, offering a sci-fi delight to fans. Experiment H21 was screened … Read more

FOR READERS: Preferred Book Length

thick book - pixabay

FOR READERS Today’s reader topic comes from QSFer Denise Dechene: I don’t read a book based on how long or short it is. That being said I know a lot of people do. Do you like short books long books or don’t care? If you only read a certain length, what’s your cut-off, and why? Writers: This is a reader chat – you are welcome to join it, but please do not reference your own works directly. Thanks! Join the chat

Film: Sauna The Dead

Sauna the Dead

The world’s largest LGBTI short film festival, the Iris Prize, is set to return to Cardiff, Wales, from 12-16 October. This will be the festival’s tenth anniversary… The shortlisted movies for the main Iris Prize were selected from over 300 submissions, while the Best of British prize (sponsored by Pinewood Studios), come from over 100 entries. Highlights in the latter category include the wittily-titled Sauna The Dead, a 20-minute gay zombie bathhouse movie, and the downbeat and gritty G O’Clock, which offers an inside look at the chemsex party scene. By David Hudson – Full Story at Gay Star News