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ANOUNCEMENT & GIVEAWAY: The Facility, by Sarah Elkins

The Facility

Sarah Elkins has a new queer paranormal suspense thriller book out: Being psychic is just another aspect of life for Neila Roddenberry. So are dreams of a past life as Nikola Tesla. She’s sure that last part is the result of reading the wrong mind at the wrong time without realizing it. Neither are things she talks about much. Her friends know she’s psychic, but no one knows about the dreams. She’s twenty-three, asexual, and unemployed with ambitions to become a freelance artist and writer. On the way home from visiting friends, Neila gets caught up in a terrorist attack, … Read more

Review: “Zercy” by Kora Knight


Title: Zercy Series: Nira Chronicles #2 Author: Kora Knight Publisher: Amazon Link Genre: Sci-fi LGBTQ+ Category: M/M Romance Pages: 672 Blurb: Emergency landing. Uncharted planet. Erotic captivity of epic proportions. Right when Captain Alec Hamlin thinks it can’t get any crazier, his team is sold to their captors’ mighty sovereign. King Zercy of the Kríe. Ruler of the planet’s most formidable species. Man, is he imposing. So regal and larger than life. And way too savagely handsome for Alec’s liking. From the first moment he laid eyes on him, he knew the Kríe was trouble, knew he needed to steer … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT: Freedom’s Hope, by Steven A. Coulter

Freedom's Hope

QSFer Steven A. Coulter has a new MM sci fi book out in his Chronicles of Spartak series: Warrior. Hero. Slave. A young man finds love in the midst of revolution. Fighting to restore the America of legend, Spartak Jones becomes one. By 2116, the war between the ruling elites is now full frontal and the seventeen-year-old has become its celebrity warrior and icon for an America that used to be. Kidnapped and taken as a trophy slave just a year ago, he remains his own man, willing to use his looks and other talents to survive and triumph. The … Read more

Review: “The Stark Divide” by J. Scott Coatsworth

Title: The Stark Divide Series: Liminal Sky Book #1 Author: J. Scott Coatsworth Genre: LGBTQ+ Science Fantasy Publisher: DSP Publications Pages: 284 Blurb Some stories are epic. The Earth is in a state of collapse, with wars breaking out over resources and an environment pushed to the edge by human greed. Three living generation ships have been built with a combination of genetic mastery, artificial intelligence, technology, and raw materials harvested from the asteroid belt. This is the story of one of them—43 Ariadne, or Forever, as her inhabitants call her—a living world that carries the remaining hopes of humanity, … Read more

Review: “Heathens” by Jonah Bergan


Title: Heathens Author: Jonah Bergan Genre: YA Gay Science Fiction Publisher: Amazon Pages: 540 Blurb Well it finally happened. The world ended. It didn’t happen the way anyone expected it would. No nukes, no pandemics, just a whole lot of rage and a whole lot of violence. None of us saw it coming. There were plenty of clues, but none of us figured it out in time. The real kicker is, I’m pretty sure someone planned it. I’m pretty sure someone did it on purpose. I’m Holden. I survived. You won’t like my story. That’s too bad, because your world’s … Read more

Review: “Debris Dreams” by David Colby

Title: Debris Dreams Series: The Lunar Cycle #1 Author: David Colby Genre: YA Lesbian Science Fiction Publisher: Thinking Ink Press Pages: 237 Blurb The year: 2069 The place: Sun-Earth Lagrange Point L1, 1.5 million kilometers above the surface of the Earth The objective: Survive Sixteen-year-old Drusilla Zhao lives in the Hub, a space station used by the Chinese-American Alliance as a base to exploit Luna’s resources. Desperate to break free of the Alliance, a terrorist group from the Moon destroys the space elevator, space’s highway to Earth. In a flash, Dru’s parents are dead and she is cut off from … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT: Taoree, by Michele Notaro


QSFer Michele Notaro has a new queer sci fi book out: If you’re reading this, I hope that means that we’ve survived, but after everything I’ve seen, I’m sure that’s only wishful thinking… This is my story… a story of what happens when you trust an alien race. A race that lived peacefully with humans for over two years, but something suddenly changed. When all hell breaks loose, can we count on the Taoree to step up and help or could they be the real cause of all the terror? Three of my friends and I try to make our … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT: Dalí, by E.M. Hamill


QSFer E.M. Hamill has a new gender fluid sci fi book out: Dalí Tamareia had everything—a young family, and a promising career as an Ambassador in the Sol Fed Diplomatic Corps. Dalí’s path as a peacemaker seems clear, but when their loved ones are killed in a terrorist attack, grief sends the gender-fluid changeling into a spiral of self-destruction. Fragile Sol Fed balances on the brink of war with a plundering alien race. Their skills with galactic relations are desperately needed to broker a protective alliance, but mourning Dalí no longer cares, seeking oblivion at the bottom of a bottle, … Read more

Out of the Past – LGBTQ Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror in the 1970s

Hello! Welcome to the second installment of my series of columns on the history of LGBTQ science fiction, fantasy and horror. As I noted in my previous post, things had begun to improve slightly for SF/F/H readers looking for more positive portrayals of LGBT characters and complex perspectives on sexuality and gender in the late 1950s and throughout the 1960s. That trend accelerated after the events of June of 1969 when the police raided a gay bar called the Stonewall Inn in New York City. The raid triggered several days of rioting by bar patrons and other LGBT people. These … Read more