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Review: Off World, by Jonah Bergan

Off World

I had the pleasure to receive an advance copy of Jonah Bergan’s new MM sci fi book Off World. The cover of the book is gorgeous – it immediately made me interested in reading the story. The image of the main character is mysterious and gorgeous, and the planetary background promises a lush sci fi adventure. The story doesn’t disappoint. Let me say up front that the book does include some semi graphic sex with a dominance theme. But one of the things I loved about it was that the sex was both secondary and integral to the science fiction … Read more

Announcement: Off World, by Jonah Bergan

Off World

QSFer Jonah Bergan has a new sci fi book out: What really brought Taine to that backwater little world? Taineís a hunter. Heís a red-skinned and black-eyed Lowman by nature, and a hunter by trade. Some hunters work in flesh, others in secrets, and some few work to set right whatís been set wrong. Itís a big galaxy and thereís always plenty of work for a hunter like Taine, so you got to wonder, what with all that at his feet, what really brought Taine to that backwater little world? Off-World is a M/m science fiction action/adventure set in F/m … Read more

Review: “Chaos Station” by Jenn Burke and Kelly Jensen

Chaos Station

Genre: MM Sci Fi Romance Length: Novel   THE WAR leaves Felix Ingesson physically scarred and emotionally damaged. However, just when he’s made a place for himself on a ship under an understanding captain, out of the blue a man he thought was permanently out of his life comes looking for his crew’s help. An old friend from the academy… and an ex boyfriend. Zander Anatolius was a prodigy, but the war has changed him too, namely leaving him with alien chemical technology in his body—technology that’s probably going to kill him sooner than later. He gets quite a shock … Read more

Discussion: Differently-Gendered Beings

Facebook Genders

Today’s topic comes from QSFer Brian Cherry: How about a discussion of different gendered beings, such as Storm Constantine’s Wraeththu? it’s a good question. We’re starting to move, as a society, beyond the idea that there are only two genders, male and female. This first hit me when I was watching Priscilla, Queen of the Desert, and I realized that Terence Stamp’s character was really neither. In recent years, we’ve started to see “third gender” passports. More and more people are identifying publicly as gender queer, eschewing being strictly identified with either of the “traditional” genders. And even Facebook, flawed … Read more

Announcement: The Devil’s Science, by Jate Hemms

The Devil's Science Book 1

QSFer Jate Hemms has a new Sci Fi book out: Thomas was a middle aged man who lived a troubled life of sadness and grief. He tried to maintain his sanity through the worst events life has to offer. Little did he know that fate had something much more in store for him that would change his life. . . and the world forever. This story looks at the complexities of religion against the marvels of advanced technology and the many shades of grey in between. It will challenge the seemingly easy process of determining what is right and wrong … Read more

Announcement: Schrodinger’s City, by Matthew P. Buscemi

Schrödinger's City

QSFer Matthew Buscemi has a new Sci Fi book out: On the surface of a sphere twenty kilometers in diameter, beneath a sky of swirling blue that offers light without a sun, there lies a city like no other. Hodgepodge personalities eke out something akin to survival, even a meager form of community. But City’s streets have begun to change abruptly, and one individual has left City of his own free will. A path through frightening chaos leads either to opportunity or the further erosion of City’s bleary existence. A philosopher and a waitress both seek answers, in their own … Read more

Discussion: Shared World SF

sci fi world

Today’s topic comes from QSFer ‘Nathan Smith: I’d love to see a discussion of shared-world sf – sort of like Geroge R.R. Martin’s “Wild Cards” series, where multiple authors tackle the same setting and use each other’s characters, etc. I know there are a few of these kinds of places out there – common worlds where you can build your own story in a shared world. So my questions for today – do you know of any, and have you written for or read any of them? Does the idea of writing in someone else’s world appeal to you? Can … Read more

Announcement: Star Clash – A Space Anthology, by Vera Loy

Star Clash

QSFer Vera Loy has a new sci fi anthology out: “Then they came. Humans. They looked like us, walked like us, but never have such a brutal, bastard race existed … We will fight. We will end them, or we will die trying.” In Vera Loy’s science fiction anthology, a war threatens to annihilate two species; a mercenary travels to Avalon to fight zombies; and a crime-fighter chooses to cross the line, the line between right and wrong. Featured Stories: Star Clash, Emerald Warrior, Io Colony, Black Death, Kaia, Crime Fighter, Guns and Guys. Note: Io Colony has LGBTY characters; … Read more

“The Homecoming” by J. Scott Coatsworth

The Homecoming

Genre: Gay Science Fiction Length: Novella   ALDISS AND his crew crash land on a forgotten Earth, expecting it to be abandoned after hundreds of years. Their own world is destroyed, and now Earth is their only chance for a new start. But it’s winter, the climate is harsh, and Earth is not as forgotten as they thought. The inhabitants also may not be as open to new arrivals as Adliss’s crew hopes. I loved this book. The setup was interesting, and the characters were engaging. I loved how spacemen and werewolves collided: technology meets primal Earth. First contact between … Read more

Discussion: Pushing the Boundaries of Queer

Today’s topic comes from QSFer Evan J. Peterson: I’m more into the psychology of gender and sex than the romance, so I’d like to talk about what’s possible in pushing the boundaries of Queer beyond LGBT. How can magic or technology be used to give same-sex couples (or asexual individuals) biological children? How can we continue to make gender even queerer? Why not shapeshifters of gender rather than species? Genuine love between human and robot? Etc. It’s a fun sandbox to play in – but it can be fraught with pitfalls as well. What do you think?