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FOR READERS: Comfort Reads

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FOR READERS Today’s reader topic comes from QSFer Tracy Timmons: What are your queer spec-fic “comfort reads”? The books or authors you go back to again and again when you need a little happy? Writers: This is a reader chat – you are welcome to join it, but please do not reference your own works directly. Thanks! Join the chat

FOR READERS: The Title Did It

Book Titles - pixabay

FOR READERS Today’s reader topic comes from QSFer Denise Dechene: I have a subject for the bucket-A lot of readers talk about covers. That the reason they picked the book up and read the blurb was because the cover grabbed them. My question is what about the title of the book? Have you picked up and read the blurb on a book because the title grabbed you and you had to know what the book was about? Has a title of a book made you turn away and not want to read the book? Writers: This is a reader chat … Read more

FOR READERS: Whiz Bang Tech

Robotech Veritech

FOR READERS Today’s reader topic comes from QSFer Hank T. Cannon: What kind of sci-fi tech makes you go “OOOOOOOOOOOH!!!”? For a long time, for me it was transforming vehicles. The Veritech’s from “Robotech,” the cars from the short-lived “Pole Position” cartoon, and of course “M.A.S.K.” among others. I think, from a nostalgia perspective, “Mighty Orbots” is my favorite of them all, if only because of the specific mention of matter manipulation tech in the transformation and unity process. Writers: This is a reader chat – you are welcome to join it, but please do not reference your own works … Read more

FOR READERS & WRITERS: Trans/Enby/Gender Fluid Representation in Spec Fic

transgender sci fi - pixabay

FOR READERS & WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer Freddy MacKay: Let’s discuss trans, enby and gender fluid characters in speculative fiction. How they are handled. How the world/tech/magic/nature works for them or against them. SF could be interesting because technology could be developed enough you wouldn’t ever know the difference unless a trans*/enby person wanted you to. What kind of society would that be? How would trans, enby and gender fluid people identify themselves and why? A parallel (though not the same) would be looking at the deaf community and how they feel about cochlear implants. Some are … Read more

FOR READERS: 2018 Reading Goals

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FOR READERS Today’s reader topic comes from QSFer Ryane Chatman: What are your reading plans for the 2018? Any goals, must reads, adventuring away from your usual haunts? Writers: This is a reader chat – you are welcome to join it, but please do not reference your own works directly. Thanks! Join the chat

FOR BOTH: Is Fantasy Romance Still Viable?

fantasy romance - pixabay

FOR WRITERS & READERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer Amy Wasp Wimberger: Fantasy Romance (especially epic fantasy) is one of the lowest selling categories in the romance world. Why do you think that is? Is it a viable genre? Is it due for a comeback? Writers, do you write it? What’s your experience? Readers, do you read it? If not, why? Join the chat

FOR READERS: Defying Categories

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FOR READERS Today’s reader topic comes from QSFer Brian Cherry: What are some of your favorite queer speculative fiction books that defy conventional categories? What are your favorite mixes of categories and genres? Writers: This is a reader chat – you are welcome to join it, but please do not reference your own works directly. Thanks! Join the chat