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FOR READERS & WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer J. Scott Coatsworth: Who are your favorite trans/gender fluid/nonbinary kick-ass characters in sci fi, fantasy, paranormal or horror? Writers: This is a reader/writer chat – you are welcome to share your own book/link, as long as it fits the chat, but please do so as part of a discussion about the topic.

FOR READERS: Is There Life Beyond Reading?

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FOR READERS Today’s reader topic comes from QSFer Lex Chase: Do you do anything else besides reading? Are you a gamer? A moviegoer? Watch TV? Play Pokemon Go? Cosplay? Play role playing games like Dungeons and Dragons? Do any other activity that requires imagination? Writers: This is a reader chat – you are welcome to join it, but please do not reference your own works directly. Thanks! Join the chat

FOR READERS: Worn Out Fantasy Tropes

FOR READERS Today’s reader topic comes from QSFer Michael Barnette: What fantasy tropes are you seriously tired of seeing? For me it’s the ‘evil wizard and minions taking over the world’ bit. You? Writers: This is a reader chat – you are welcome to join it, but please do not reference your own works directly. Thanks! Join the chat

FOR READERS: When The Reviews Are Wrong

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FOR READERS Today’s reader topic comes from QSFer Hank T. Cannon: Have you ever read a book that has great reviews, especially reviews that get you to buy it, and you find that book to be not very good? Or the reverse – a book whose reviews were bad but which turned out to be really good? Please do not share links or titles for this one. Writers: This is a reader chat – you are welcome to join it, but please do not reference your own works directly. Thanks! Join the chat

READERS & WRITERS: Breaking the Fourth Wall

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FOR READERS & WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer J. Scott Coatsworth: In the theater and film, there’s a thing called “breaking the fourth wall – basically steping through the invisible barrier between the performance and the audience to engage them directly. You’ve seen this in Deadpool, when he talks to the crowd in the theater. Authors: have you ever used this device in your fiction? Readers: where have you read it, and did you like it? Join the chat here: Writers: This is a writer chat – you are welcome to share your own book/link, as long … Read more

FOR READERS/WRITERS: What Happens To Our Books When We Die?

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FOR READERS & WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer J. Scott Coatsworth: We live in an increasingly digital world. Books have always been a bit ephemeral, but they are even more so now. So writers, what will happen to your works when you are no longer here? And readers, what about all of your eBooks? Writers: This is a writer chat – you are welcome to share your own book/link, as long as it fits the chat, but please do so as part of a discussion about the topic.

FOR READERS & WRITERS: Magic, Wicca, & Voodoo

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FOR READERS & WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer R.L. Merrill: Part of the reason I’ve only written one paranormal is because I don’t think I’d have anything original to say on the topic of shapeshifters, vamps, etc. I’d love to see more stories focusing on the practical uses of magic i.e. Wicca, Voodoo, etc. Do you write these kinds of stories? Read any lately? Let’s discuss. Writers: This is a reader and writer chat – you are welcome to share your own book/link, as long as it fits the chat, but please do so as part of a … Read more

FOR READERS: How Do You Like Your Series?

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FOR READERS Today’s reader topic comes from QSFer Shira Anthony: Do you wait until the series is complete/published before starting? Do you care if it’s complete? Do you like spinoff series? And do you need closure at the end of each book? Writers: This is a reader chat – you are welcome to join it, but please do not reference your own works directly. Thanks! Join the chat

FOR READERS: Well Blow Me Down

FOR READERS Today’s reader topic comes from QSFer Ryane Chatman: Readers, what authors surprised you with a release? Something that diverges from their usual genre? Writers: This is a reader chat – you are welcome to join it, but please do not reference your own works directly. Thanks! Join the chat

FOR READERS: Wuxia and Webnovel

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FOR READERS Today’s reader topic comes from QSFer Ryane Chatman: Readers, I have fallen delightfully down the Wuxia and Webnovel hole, do you have favorites? Have you looked into it? What are your thoughts on it? Writers: This is a reader chat – you are welcome to join it, but please do not reference your own works directly. Thanks! Join the chat