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For Readers: Queer Action Heroes

hero - pixabay

Today’s reader topic comes from QSFer Hank T. Cannon: Who are your favorite LGBTQIA action heroes? Not necessarily spec-fic. What do you like about them? How do they satisfy action hero tropes? Are they “gay” enough, or does it not matter, because they’re blowing things up? Writers: This is a reader chat – you are welcome to join it, but please do not reference your own works directly. Thanks! Join the chat

For Writers: Taboo?


Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer Brian Cherry: Forty years ago, it was taboo to even write about gay love, let alone anything LGBTIQA… Twenty years ago, it was taboo to write about being transgender. Ten years ago, it was taboo to write about being non binary or intersex. So according to you, what is taboo or controversial to write about in queer fiction now? And should it be? Join the chat

Announcement: Out for a Hero Anthology

Out For A Hero

Storm Moon Press has a new queer superhero anthology out: It’s not easy being a superhero. Sometimes it’s even harder when you’re super and queer. In Out for a Hero, LGBTQ heroes find themselves in tight spaces, moral quandaries, and sometimes heated romance. In The Integrals, Kaveri, the daughter of two super dads, struggles to conceal her possibly criminal crush. But when Morning Glory clashes with her parents’ team, she has to decide how to work with her own developing powers to save the day, and her girl. Sparks highlights the complications of an after-hours club where both superheroes and … Read more

For Writers: Do LGBTIQ Characters Make a Fantasy “Gay”?

Gay Fantasy

Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer Amos Cassidy: Why can’t we have LGBTIQ storylines and characters in “mainstream” fantasy? Until recently we categorised our fiction as Dark Urban fantasy, but its becoming clearer and clearer that we may be swimming in the wrong pool. Does having LGBTIQ main characters as part of your fantasy cast automatically make your fiction queer sci fi? And if so is it better to just leave the “mainstream” pond behind completely? Join the chat

Discussion: Favorite Fantasy Books

Today’s topic comes from QSFer Elizabeth Barrette: What are your favorite fantasy books with queer characters and how far back do they go? I’m fondly remembering the gay unicorn that Alan Dean Foster put in one of his novels. I haven’t read a lot of fantasy with LGBTI characters myself, but I did love the characters in The Chronicles of Tornor. And you? We have a bunch of modern day fantasy works to choose from, too… Come join the chat

Discussion: Pushing the Boundaries of Queer

Today’s topic comes from QSFer Evan J. Peterson: I’m more into the psychology of gender and sex than the romance, so I’d like to talk about what’s possible in pushing the boundaries of Queer beyond LGBT. How can magic or technology be used to give same-sex couples (or asexual individuals) biological children? How can we continue to make gender even queerer? Why not shapeshifters of gender rather than species? Genuine love between human and robot? Etc. It’s a fun sandbox to play in – but it can be fraught with pitfalls as well. What do you think?