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ANNOUNCEMENT: Summerwode, By J. Tullos Hennig


QSFer J. Tullos Hennig has a new queer fantasy book out: The Summer King has come to the Wode… Yet to which oath, head or heart, shall he hold? Once known as the Templar assassin Guy de Gisbourne, dispossessed noble Gamelyn Boundys has come to Sherwood Forest with conflicting oaths. One is of duty: demanding he tame the forest’s druidic secrets and bring them back to his Templar Masters. The other is of heat and heart: given to the outlaw Robyn Hood, avatar of the Horned Lord, and the Maiden Marion, embodiment of the Lady Huntress. The three of them—Summerlord, Winter King, … Read more

Writers and Readers Help Chechnya’s Queer Community


When the news started coming out of Chechnya about the organized police campaign of torture, imprisonment and murder being conducted against men perceived to be gay, it hit me hard. Growing up in the Netherlands just a few decades after World War II, I learned to dread authoritarianism and genocide — authoritarianism’s frequent offspring — early on in life. On school and family outings we visited houses with secret rooms where families had provided refuge to Jews as they sought to escape Occupied Europe. Every summer, we would drive through northern Germany to see my cousins, and my mom would announce the … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT: Edging, by Michael Schutz


QSFer Michael Schutz has a new queer horror book out: Intenze is the newest designer drug. Take it, and nightmares come alive. “Edging” is a better rush than the Tower of Terror. It’s a fraction of the price of a Six Flags admission. And it’s the most addictive high the tiny suburb of New London has ever known. Amazon Excerpt “Take these,” Scott said. He held out his hand, where two Intenze lay in his palm. Josh snuggled deeper into the crook of Trevor’s arm. He’d been half-asleep in his boyfriend’s bed. How had Scott found him? And why does … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT: Tortured Echoes, by Cody Sisco

Tortured Echoes

QSFer Cody Sisco has a new queer sci fi book out: Bioinformatics whiz Victor Eastmore at long last gains control over his frightening mirror resonance syndrome, but he still believes his grandfather was murdered. Victor’s best hope for finding justice lies in New Venice, a tourist town in the Louisiana Territories where his family’s company is exploring new treatment options for so-called “Broken Mirrors” and the stim addicts who experience similar symptoms–blank outs, synesthesia, and euphoria. Only by confronting Samuel Miller, the MRS “patient zero” who was responsible for the Carmichael Massacre, can Victor learn the truth. To do that, Samuel must … Read more

COMICS: Marvel’s New Queer Superhero

America Chavez

Marvel has launched a kick-ass LGBT superhero to lead her own comic book – and fans are applauding the move. America Chavez, a queer Latina teenager with lesbian parents, debuted in comic books in 2011, but with the character winning rave reviews as part of a group, she has taken the spotlight for herself. The comic, called America, debuted earlier this month, prompting an outpouring of support from readers who were overjoyed to finally see an LGBT Latina superhero lead her own comic. Writer Gabby Rivera, herself a queer Latina, said Chavez is “a foxy, badass, hard femme Latina who … Read more

FOR BOTH: Queer Cons

cosplay - pixabay

FOR WRITERS & READERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer Anna Butler: “A list of all those cons//meets//fairs where authors of Queer Sci Fi can go to meet readers, hopefully find new ones and basically increase their profile.” We actually have such a list: Are there any we’re missing, and what are your favorites as a reader or writer, and why? Join the chat

Announcement: Out of This World, by Catherine Lundoff

Out of This World

QSFer Catherine Lundoff has a new GENRE book out: Eleven tales of the queer fantastic by award-winning author Catherine Lundoff. A bookstore clerk goes on a quest for the Norns while a couple of mercenaries wake up to some big surprises at their favorite inn. Shakespeare’s sister, Judith, forms an alliance with playwright Christopher Marlowe. A witch attempts the wrong love spell and a young prince meets an irresistible monster. Swordswomen, ghosts, the Queen of the Fay, the occasional gentleman of the evening and other unforgettable characters populate these stories rich and strange. Includes the Gaylactic Spectrum Award finalist “At … Read more

Entertainment: Why Blockbusters Lack Queer Characters


Ryan Reynolds has hinted that major US film studios avoid putting gay characters in blockbusters due to fears of alienating overseas audiences. The actor last year made his debut as pansexual superhero Deadpool, smashing box office records for an adult-rated film with the comedic take on superhero movies. Deadpool was the first non-heterosexual superhero to get his own standalone film, and was shown flirting indistinctly with both men and women. The comic book character is said to “do anything with a pulse”, while Tim Miller and Reynolds have described their version of the character as “pansexual”. By Nick Duffy – … Read more

“Fantastic Beasts” a Queer Rights Metaphor?


A columnist for a US tabloid has claimed JK Rowling’s new Harry Potter spin-off is, in fact, a metaphor for LGBT rights. ‘Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them’ is released today (Friday, November 18) and takes fans of the magical universe across the Atlantic to explore the wizarding world of the United States. Writing for the New York Post, Kyle Smith claimed the film is a “gay liberation epic” and might be the “gayest superhero movie since X-Men: First Class”.  Comparing the wizarding world of New York City to the LGBT community, he said the film “explores a clandestine … Read more

Announcement: Awakening, by Baltimore Russell & Jennifer Pallanich


QSFer Baltimore Russell and Jennifer Pallanich have a new queer superhero book out: Disasters ring the planet as the earth cries out for heroes to save it. At the same time, an ancient order conspires to fulfill a centuries-old prophecy. Their plan: unleash a deadly tsunami that would destroy North American and European coastlines. Then, at the height of summer, a blinding white light races across the globe, granting a select few incredible gifts. An enigmatic ex-Green Beret trains these powerful misfits in a desperate bid to stop the man-made and natural catastrophes. But can these Children of the Solstice … Read more