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ANNOUNCEMENT: Flight of Thieves, by David Bridger

A Flight of Thieves

QSFer David Bridger has a new queer steampunk book out: I’ve Indie re-released my futuristic steampunk novel A Flight of Thieves. It’s a post-apocalyptic post-flood world of airships and intelligent robots and pirates and slavers, where no one looks askance at same-sex or mixed-race relationships, but robots are often treated badly, and anyone who wears a robotic replacement for a lost limb is shunned from society: In a dangerous world of isolated, steam-powered, island communities, a thousand years after Earth’s apocalyptic flood, Princess Victoria and her robot mentor King Henry recruit a ragtag band of airship adventurers to help her … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT/GUEST POST: The Long Past & Other Tales, by Ginn Hale

The Long Past & Other Stories

QSFer Ginn Hale has a new queer alt history/steampunk/weird west book out. Guest Post Hands on Research in Fantastical Worlds Often when the subject of research is brought up, fantasy authors will cite books and museums, or recount interviews and hours spent pouring over old newspapers, police records and magazines. You can almost hear the microfiche whirring around them and smell musty pages. To be honest I love that stuff myself. Original sources can be incredibly important to a book, particularly if it’s set in an alternate history or if the plot relies on real events or people. (The Long … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT: The World That Will Never Be, by Maria Siopis

The World That Will Never Be

QSFer Maria Siopis has a new queer sci fi book out: The world where the straights are hated for hundreds of years is about to turn for the worse, and shatter to pieces. The involvement of Eliza X, a police officer, in the killing of a straight, Jeffrey Antinoro, becomes the singular event and the catalyst that sends humanity into a tailspin. A revolution erupts and Eliza is the sole cause of it. Nevertheless, her journey forces her to rediscover herself and find love in the arms of her professor Linda Pelc. Together they’ll try to redefine the human capacity … Read more

DC Comics Honored For Queer Inclusivity

DC Comics

Queer superheroes like Batwoman are earning DC Entertainment, one of the largest comic book and superhero entities, a prestigious award. GLSEN, the national organization championing LGBTI students and issues in K-12, is giving its Visionary Award to DC. The award will be presented at the GLSEN Respect Awards on 20 October at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel in Beverly Hills. The award ceremony began in 2004 and honors individuals and corporations who have made a significant impact on youth in the community. The ceremony takes place in both Los Angeles and New York every year. Previously, the Visionary Award has gone … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT: Renewal, QSF’s Flash Fiction Anthology

QSF Renewal-Print

QSF has a new book out, the latest in our series of flash fiction anthologies: (noun) 1) Resuming an activity after an interruption, or 2) Extending a contract, subscription or license, or 3) Replacing or repairing something that is worn out, run-down, or broken, or 4) Rebirth after death. Four definitions to spark inspiration, a limitless number of stories to be conceived. Only 110 made the cut. Thrilling to hopeful, Renewal features 300-word speculative fiction ficlets about sexual and gender minorities to entice readers. Welcome to Renewal. Mischief Corner Books | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT/GUEST POST: Where Home Lies, by Elizabeth A. Schechter

Where Home Lies

QSFer Elizabeth A. Schechter has a new queer fantasy book out, and shares a great guest post with us: Not Where I Thought We’d Be I was going to write a blog post about the eroticism of food. Was being the operative word. I’ve been fighting with it for about a day and a half. The topic that seemed to be so interesting to me when I first thought about it just won’t come out of my head and onto the page. And I finally realized why. There’s something more important that I need to get out of my brain. … Read more

Video Games: Splatoon 2 Filled With Support for Trans, Gender Queer Players

A video game has been overwhelmed by an impromptu wave of support for LGBT+ rights. Splatoon 2 is a Nintendo Switch game in which players compete online as humans or squids to fire ink at targets and each other. But for many users, it has become so much more. Players can post in-game messages, and after one user stated that LGBT squids are “fresh as hell,” heartwarming posts started popping up all over the place, as reported by Mashable. After the game became a centre of support for furries last month, players have come together to assert spread the good … Read more

COVER REVEAL: Where Home Lies, by Elizabeth A. Schechter

Where Home Lies

Today, we have something special – a cover reveal for the third book in Elizabeth A. Schechter‘s “Rebel Mage” series: About the Book: Once an exile, Matthias returns to lead his home Enclave and settles into a new life with his beloved Solomon. Struggling with his new role and responsibilities toward the new town of Sanctuary and the people who had once rejected him, he knows that the relative peace he’s found is temporary—the forces that destroyed Haven are still out there, and he knows that they’ll come looking for him. Until they do, there are alliances to make, mouths … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT: I Wore Heels to the Apocalypse, by C H Clepitt

I Wore Heels to the Apocalypse

QSFer C H Clepitt has a new queer sci fi book out: Is anyone truly prepared for the apocalypse? Well, Kerry certainly isn’t, and she fairly quickly discovers that looking sharp in a business suit and heels is not going to help anyone when there’s an apocalypse, with possible zombies! Together with a super spy, an ex girl guide and a personal trainer with manly foraging skills Kerry must battle terrifying religious cults, rich people and her personal demons, all whilst having the daily chore of deciding what to wear! This is a laugh out loud comedy with romance, heart … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT/INTERVIEW: Daimonion, by J.P. Jackson


J.P. Jackson has a new MM paranormal horror book out: Dati Amon wants to be free from his satyr master and he hates his job—hunting human children who display demon balefire. Every hunt has been successful, except one. A thwarted attempt ended up as a promise to spare the child of a white witch, an indiscretion Dati hopes Master never discovers. But Master has devilish machinations of his own. He needs human-demon hybrids, the Daimonion, to raise the Dark Lord to the earthly realm. If Master succeeds, he will be immortal and far more powerful. The child who was spared … Read more