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Review: In the Pass of Ghosts – K.L. Noone

In the Pass of Ghosts - K.L. Noone

Genre: Fantasy, Romance LGBTQ+ Category: Gender Fluid, Pansexual Reviewer: Scott Get It On Amazon About The Book Ghosts are real. And now they’re Aric’s problem. Even legendary swordsmen need time off, and Aric and his half-fairy partner Emrys are traveling south to visit Aric’s brother. But, on a stormy night at a roadside inn, an old friend stumbles in nearly frozen, swearing that the mountain pass is haunted … and deadly. With travelers and friends in danger, Aric and Em will try to solve the mystery of the murderous hauntings, but that won’t be simple. Swords aren’t much use against … Read more

New Release: The Secrets of Heaven – Reni Stankova

The Secrets of Heaven - Reni Stankova

QSFer Reni Stankova has a new MM fantasy out (gay, bi), Heaven Trilogy book two: The Secrets of Heaven. Raphael and Dante, the enemies of Heaven, who committed regicide, have spent five glorious years in exile, hiding from the law. But their peaceful sanctuary shatters when Archangel Remiel, one of the best investigators in the world, forces the couple into a life on the run. While fleeing, Raphael stumbles upon a clue regarding his late mother’s discovery, leading him to the Holy Land. So, Raphael and Dante embark on a quest across three continents in search of an ancient artifact. … Read more

New Release: A World Apart – Carole Cummings & Andy Gallo

A World Apart - Carole Cumming & Andy Gallo

QSFers Carole Cummings & Andy Gallo have a new MM urban fantasy out, Learning to Breathe Book 2: A World Apart. There are an infinite number of universes and each has its own story. Not all of them have happy endings. Two years after he nearly died, Nathan Duffy is living his dream. He and Camilo are finally the ‘them’ Nathan always wanted. But Nathan quickly learns everything comes with a price. The military gave him experimental implants that help him walk again, but he’s drafted and assigned to a dangerous, special ops, off-world unit. He and Camilo are together, … Read more

New Release: The Third Age – Arshad Ahsanuddin

The Third Age - Arshad Ahsanuddin

QSFer Arshad Ahsanuddin has a new gay fantasy book out, The Secret Histories book 3: The Third Age. County Donegal, Ireland, 1597 AD Millennia have passed since the glaciers receded. Civilizations have risen and fallen many times in the interim, and all trace of the Age of Miracles has been lost to time. Connor had been plagued by vivid dreams, sometimes eerily prophetic, for as long as he could remember. He has led a sheltered but lonely life under the protection of Donegal Abbey, until the arrival of a handsome and charismatic stranger, come to study at the monastery’s library. … Read more

New Release: The Rebels of Psiere – K. Aten

The Rebels of Psiere - K. Aten

QSFer K. Aten has a new queer steampunk book out (bi, lesbian), Mystery of the Makers book 3: The Rebels of Psiere. If we know anything by the third and final installment of this thrilling trilogy, it’s that Royal Connate Olivienne Dracore is an adventurist, not a soldier. Yet after the events over King’s Marsh, the people and land are in need of both. It’s a good thing her beloved Captain Castellan Tosh is one of the most powerful psi their world has ever seen. Together, with Olivienne’s protective Shield team, they seek to not only right generations of wrongs … Read more

Review: Song of Flames – M.D. Grimm

Song of Flames - M.D. Grimm

Genre: Fantasy, Romance LGBTQ+ Category: Bisexual, Poly Reviewer: Linda, Paranormal Romance Guild Amazon | Universal Buy Link | Liminal Fiction | QueeRomance Ink | Goodreads About The Book She tried to steal treasure from the dragons’ hoard… and stole their hearts instead. To save her sister from a lascivious lord, Venya must steal a piece of treasure from a legendary dragon’s hoard. Dragons haven’t been seen in several generations, so imagine her surprise when she wakes not one, but two dragons from their hibernation. While the battle-honed Onyx is intent on having her for lunch, the graceful Gold appears more curious than angered by the theft. Abyss and … Read more

New Release: Echoes of the Gods – Gaia Sol

Echoes of the Gods - Gaia Sol

QSFer Gaia Sol has a new MM mythological fantasy out: Echoes of the Gods. Peace has endured in Yggdrasil since Loki, prophesied nemesis of the gods, was captured. And wardens, like Yngvi, are entrusted with the essential, but mundane, duty of ensuring he stays imprisoned. Seeking other avenues of excitement, fancy-free Yngvi sets his sights on a beautiful young stranger in Midgard. But when Loki breaks free, unleashing his ruin on Asgard, and Yngvi is framed for his release, the usually easygoing young soldier realises how fragile the peace really was. Shara, the enigmatic stranger, appears to have a perturbing … Read more

New Release: Yule: Tales for the Winter Solstice

Yule: Tales for the Winter Solstice

Speculation Publications has a new folklore/fairy tale anthology that includes LGBTQ+ tales (lesbian, poly): Yule: Tales for the Winter Solstice. During the cold winter months, we mirror the Earth as she lies quiet, waiting for the return of warm days. We gather around yule fires and perform rituals to lure back the sun. Drinking wassail, singing songs and exchanging gifts, some of us tell stories of the longest night. Stories of new love and old magick. Stories of the Holly King and his fight for the season. Of death and lives well lived. Of succumbing to the most feral parts … Read more

Review: True North – TA Moore

True North - TA Moore

Genre: Holiday, Fantasy, Mystery, Romance LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Maryann Get It On Amazon About The Book Despite what his co-workers say Belling, Montana paramedic Dylan Hollie does not hate Christmas. It’s just that as an ex-foster kid he learned early on that Christmas just didn’t have much relevance to his life. He’s seen no evidence since then that he’s wrong. That said, if Santa ever delivered a six-foot plus wall of hot muscle under his tree he’d be willing to reconsider. He’s even sourced an available one locally in the taciturn Somerset North and his impossibly blue eyes. So … Read more

Review: Salvage – R J Theodore

Salvage - R J Theodore

Genre: Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Sci-Fantasy LGBTQ+ Category: Lesbian, Gay Reviewer: Scott Get It On Amazon About The Book Peridot is headed for its second cataclysm. War has broken ancient alliances, sealed borders, and locked down the skies. The Five, Peridot’s alchemist gods, have seen one of their number die and another fall in their efforts to protect their world from invaders beyond the stars. Defeated and diminished, they have ceased to answer the prayers of their people and have left the rapidly unraveling world to fend for itself. Talis and the orphaned crew of the lost airship Wind Sabre have a plan to … Read more