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Sources of Inspiration: Power

It’s alluring. It takes on many forms. It corrupts when hoarded. It strengthens many, when shared. It can be used to exploit entire nations, to ravage individuals of their self-respect, to prey upon the vulnerable. It can lift a person to lofty heights they’ve never dreamed of.  Power can be used for great good or great evil; for it can bestow greatness or reveal how small the wielder truly is.  What will you do with power? How will it change your characters? How will it effect everyone around them? Power can be the stuff of legends or nightmares. How it … Read more

You Had Me At “Black Hole Power Sucking Aliens”

Black Hole Wormhole - Deposit Photo

Aliens could be sucking power from black holes — and that could be how we’d spot the extraterrestrials, scientists say. This energy-harvesting technology could leave traces just outside a spinning black hole’s event horizon — the boundary beyond which a black hole’s gravity becomes too strong for matter and energy to escape. And the process could explain at least some flares of plasma, a white-hot form of charged gas, that scientists have already detected near these massive disruptions in time and space. a new study published Jan. 13 in the journal Physical Review D proposes. And while it’s only a … Read more

Power and Energy

Future Energy

Today’s topic comes via QSFer Belinda McBride: “Power and energy. How are your communities powered? Is it clean power? Fossil fuel? What runs your transportation?” Going forward as the world warms up, the type of energy we use will become more and more inportant. But beyond that, we’ll need different forms of energy and engines if we’re going to cross the solar system more efficiently, or even cross the gulfs between the stars. So get out your crystal ball today and share your predictions for the future of energy. And share, also, some of your favorite books that have dealt … Read more