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SCIENCE: What is Consciousness?

writer brain - pixabay

Humans once assumed our planet was the physical center of the solar system, so it’s no surprise that we also think highly of consciousness, the apparently unique quality that allows our species to contemplate such matters. But what is consciousness? The topic has been extraordinarily controversial in the scientific and philosophical traditions. Thinkers have spent an immense amount of time and ink trying to unravel mysteries, such as how consciousness works and where it resides. The short answer isn’t very satisfying. Scientists and philosophers still can’t agree on a vague idea of what consciousness is, much less a strict definition. … Read more

Update on submission calls and my philosophy on what to post

I’ve had a bit of a crisis in terms of how I should approach the task of filtering submission calls before I post. I strive to make this blog LGBTQ-inclusive and to help in protecting underrepresented writers from marginalization during the submissions process. But sometimes I make mistakes.

Read the full post on Dale Cameron Lowry’s blog for writers.