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NEW RELEASE / GIVEAWAY: Spark – Elizabeth Tybush

Spark - Elizabeth Tybush

Elizabeth Tybush has a new MM fantasy out, The Fire of Felwing book 2: Spark. And there’s a giveaway! Immediately following the stunning Halloween reveal in Flicker… Prince Solin Felwing’s exile on Earth went from tranquil to dangerous with a spark of magick. Now, severed from his redemption and his friends at the soup kitchen, Solin is left to sort out his unstable powers, his guilty conscience, and the realities of pursuing a relationship with a certain charming barista. At least his human friend Sam stuck around, although he’s getting tailed by his ex and his tech is going haywire, … Read more

NEW RELEASE – Dark Attraction – Drake LaMarque

Dark Attraction - Drake LaMarque

Drake LaMarque has a new queer paranormal vampire romance out (pansexual): Dark Attraction. Brand: A pansexual college surfer dude looking for love in all the wrong places Gage: A mysterious goth with something to hide who will do anything to keep what’s his When they meet at a party, there’s an instant attraction but between Gage’s dominant hunger and Brand’s need to submit to him… the fire may be all-consuming. A standalone MM vampire/human romance featuring lots of spice. Get It At Amazon Author Bio Writer of steamy paranormal MM queer fiction ( genderqueer NB, they/them). I like pirates, sea … Read more

REVIEW: Working Stiffs Anthology

Working Stiffs

Note: This anthology is currently out of print. We recommend checking with the individual authors for story availability. Genre: Paranormal, Romance LGBTQ+ Category: Bi, Gay, Poly, Pan Reviewer: Tony Get It On Amazon About The Book Not all vampires are idly rich. Some of them have day jobs. Er, night jobs. In a world struggling to come to grips with the existence of vampires, where reactions range from excitement to fear to determined disbelief, these vampires are just trying to make ends meet. Some of them do mundane work—like waiting tables or driving a cab. Others have more prestigious careers … Read more

NEW RELEASE/GIVEAWAY: Blood Bound – Courtney Maguire

Blood Bound cover reveal - Courtney Maguire

Courtney Maguire has a new MM paranormal historical romance out, Youkai Bloodlines book 3: Blood Bound. And there’s a giveaway! Two hundred years can strain even the seemingly eternal love of the youkai. When Hideyoshi’s coldness drives them apart, Hiro finds comfort in his friendship with Takanori, a vociferous human man he met at a ramen shop and can’t seem to keep away from.. Everything Hiro had to fight for from Hideyoshi, Takanori gives freely, making it all too easy to turn away from his responsibilities–and Hideyoshi–in favor of something sweeter. But while Hiro is off playing human, danger is brewing among … Read more

NEW RELEASE: Hellfire – Michelle Schad

Hellfire - Michelle Schad

QSFer Michelle Schad has a new queer urban fantasy superhero book out (pansexual): Hellfire. For many, the United States is a land of opportunity and new beginnings – unless you happen to be ‘different’ from everyone else. Hadi Shahir is one of those people, different in more ways than one. Hadi can manipulate fire; he is ‘Evolved’.  All he wants is a new life and new adventures in this land of opportunity. His dreams become endless nightmares, however, that begin with an inexplicable hate crime that leaves the young man traumatized and untrusting of the world around him. A chance encounter … Read more

What Pansexual People Want You to Know

Pansexual Flag

Pansexual Pride Day, 8 December, is a day dedicated to celebrating, recognising and learning about the pansexual community. Pansexuality, attraction which is not limited by gender, is a sexual orientation that has been plagued by misconceptions and erasure. Pansexuality and bisexuality are not the same thing While many people use the words “pansexual” and “bisexual” interchangeably, they are distinct and separate sexual orientations. Pansexual BBC Studios podcast producer Ella Watts explained: “For me, the difference between bisexuality and pansexuality is that I don’t experience any difference in my sexual or romantic attraction to people of different genders, whereas I’ve known … Read more

New Google LGBTIQA+ Glossary Literally Erases Bisexuality/Pansexuality

LGBTQIA+ Glossary Google

In a new LGBT+ glossary, aiming to educate the public and media on LGBT+ language and community, Google has literally erased bisexuality. Last week, the Google News Initiative announced the project in partnership with VideoOut, titled the “LGBTQ+ language and media literacy program”. The tool, essentially a glossary of 100 words that uses Google Trends to track the popularity of LGBT+ terms, was created with queer PhD linguists. But, despite being in the acronym used throughout the project, the word “bisexual” was left out of the glossary, as were “pansexual” and “Two Spirit“. Full Story from Pink News

REVIEW: The Home I Find With You – Skye Kilaen

The Home I Find With You - Skye Kilaen

Genre: Sci-Fi, Post Apocalyptic, Hopepunk LGBTQ+ Category: Gay, Poly, Pansexual Reviewer: Tony Get It On Amazon About The Book After the second U.S. Civil War, life is dangerous, but risking their hearts might be even more perilous. When charismatic town newcomer Clark walks into Van’s life in post-war rural Colorado, neither can ignore the sparks between them. Van has built a fulfilling new normal with his girlfriend Hadas after his wife’s death, but Clark’s brash flirtation and dominant tendencies awaken a desire for a kind of romance Van thought he’d lost forever. Even if he’s not sure he’s ready for … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT: Elemental Attraction – K. Aten

Elemental Attraction - K. Aten

QSFer K. Aten has a new queer comedic fantasy romance out (gender fluid, non-binary, pan), a stand-alone story in the “Mythworld” shared universe: Elemental Attraction. Two people find themselves in a quandary: Aderri, a powerful dragon shifter with some light defensive magic, and Ellys, a half-elven swordswoman for hire, one of the best across the six nations. When Aderri gets news that she must come home for the naming ceremony of a new hatchling, she’s forced to hire Ellys and her telepathic steed, Roccotári, to see her safely there. Of course, things are never as simple as they seem. Not … Read more

REVIEW: Magician – K.L. Noone

Magician - K.L. Noone

Genre: Fantasy, Romance LGBTQ+ Category: Gay, Pan Reviewer: Tony Get It On Amazon About The Book A magician in need of redemption. A loyal hero on a quest. And only one bed at the inn. Once the world’s most legendary sorcerer, Lorre fled the Middle Lands after his own curiosity — and a misguided transformation spell — turned him into a dragon and nearly killed a king. He isn’t a dragon anymore, but he is hiding alone on a tropical island, avoiding people, politics, and his own reputation. But now a hero has found him. And not just any hero. … Read more