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Announcement: Sky & Dew, by Holly Heisey

Sky and Dew

QSFer Holly Heisey has a new non binary fantasy book out: In the Hallows, words are magic, and words can kill. Sky took a vow of silence and left the world above to keep her city’s magic alive. Now, she wanders the Hallows as an acolyte of the Lost Emperor – an unseen legend from another world whose words fuel the magic above. But when her lover breaks their vow of silence and falls deathly ill, Sky must descend to the deepest depths of the Hallows to beg the Lost Emperor’s help. What she finds, though, is a tragedy that … Read more

For Readers: Non Binary Gender

Non Binary genders

Today’s reader topic comes from QSFer Hank T. Cannon: What books do you like where masculinity/femininity, etc. is portrayed as a continuum, avoiding monoliths, and acknowledging class difference that cause those who occupy those spaces to view those outsides of them as “more” or “less?” How does that affect your view of characters who aspire, covet, or fetishize those other characters who live on the other side of their continuum? Writers: This is a reader chat – you are welcome to join it, but please do not reference your own works directly. Thanks! Join the chat

For Writers: Skoliosexual


Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer Elizabeth Barrette: I recently came across the term “skoliosexual,” meaning someone attracted to nonbinary (transgender, agender, genderqueer, etc.) partners. I think this would make a good discussion topic. Have you written any of these characters or romances? How do you portray them? Join the chat