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Review: Night Ivy – E.D.E. Bell

Night Ivy – E.D.E. Bell

Genre: Quiet Fantasy LGBTQ+ Category: Ace, Bi, Demi, Gay, Gender Fluid, Intersex, Lesbian, Non-Binary, Poly, Trans FTM, Trans MTF Reviewer: Lucy Get It On Amazon | Publisher | About The Book Xelle is sure in her passion for magic, but struggles to find her place within the constructs that enable its study. Night Ivy offers the first verse of a wandering bard’s tale of fancy and fantasy, amidst the spires and shadows of the seven towers of Alyssia. The Review I have never read a better description of anxiety or the thought processes of someone who is neuro-divergent than what … Read more

New Release: Anacrusis – Layman Kingsford

Anacrusis - Layman Kingsford

QSFer Layman Kingsford has a new queer fantasy short story collection out (non-binary), a Living Empires prequel: Anacrusis. Before embarking on the epic Living Empires trilogy, learn a little bit about some of central characters and the magical world where every living thing is emblazoned with one divine signMark. Evorstrom has only ever had one living dual-signed saint at any given time. What happens when there are six? ​​Ernon Thol’Win, first person ever to be born with two signMarks – bone and tree – in the remote wilderness Uthingo valley, is hailed as the great unifier destined to unite the two … Read more

Review: Xenocultivars Anthology


Genre: Speculative Fiction LGBTQ+ Category: Bi, Gay, Intersex, Lesbian, Non-Binary, Poly, Trans FTM, Trans MTF Reviewer: Lucy Get It On Amazon | Publisher | B&N | Kobo | About The Book This collection of speculative short fiction is about all kinds of queer growth, from emerging and developing to flourishing and cultivating. Whether they’re tender sprouts just beginning to discover themselves or deeply-rooted leaders fiercely defending those they love, the people in these stories have this in common: you can’t tell them what to do. They grow as they please. The Review I have always loved anthologies. They are like … Read more

New Release: The Tax Of Teeth – Nikolai Bryant

The Tax of Teeth - Nikolai Bryant

QSFer Nikolai Bryant has a new sapphic grimdark fantasy romance out (gay, lesbian, non-binary): The Tax of Teeth. Only one thing stands between Cassia inheriting a conqueror’s empire. A tax, one that can only be paid in blood. Cassia Domitia is the daughter of the great conqueror Reys Domitia, who captured lands far and wide on the backs of great powerful dragons, raining fire upon all who stood in his way. All of her life has been for the good of the Empire that she’d inherit someday. She’s been on the battlefield for years, praying to the Great Four Dragon … Read more

New Release: Weird Worlds – Patricia Loofbourrow

Weird Worlds - Patricia Loofbourrow

QSFer Patricia Loofbourrow has a new sci-fi collection out, some including ace and lesbian characters: Weird Worlds. A man arrives at his new job. A woman lets one last customer into her shop. Two teens sneak away to a party. These all sound normal. But these simple actions are on worlds that it’s unlikely you’ve seen before. Twenty short stories bring you twenty weird worlds you won’t soon forget. Warnings: Violence (a bombing), on-screen death. Get It At Amazon | B&N | Kobo | Universal Buy Link Excerpt Mmrra raised all three of his eyes over the fallen log and … Read more

New Release: Killing Nightmares – Reis Asher

Killing Nightmares - Reis Asher

QSFer Reis Asher has a new M-NB sci-fi horror dystopian book out, Killing Games book 2: Killing Nightmares. And there’s a giveaway. It’s been four years since the Killing Game turned Reis and Edgar’s lives upside-down. Believing the past to be behind them, they’ve tried to move on with their lives. Edgar has returned to freelance computer programming, while Reis is training to become a Bureau agent. Emily is about to marry, and Reis’s biggest concern is what to wear to the wedding as they navigate the rocky seas of their gender identity. The peace they won is soon cast … Read more

New Release: Fallen – E. Prybylski

Fallen - E. Prybylski

QSFer E. Prybylski has a new queer urban fantasy thriller out (ace, gay, non-binary): Fallen. Can a fallen angel survive Boston and find a killer? Fallen from heaven’s grace, the angel Cassiel finds herself in an impossible situation: accused of murder and racing against time to rescue a young elven girl from the clutches of darkness. In the face of this horror, she wrestles demons both inside and out. Alongside her stand her friends: Jim, a disabled human combat veteran; Dust, an orc who serves in the church kitchen; and Eirlas, an elven former gangbanger. Can they save the girl … Read more

Review: Broken Valley – Owen Lach

Broken Valley - Owen Lach

Genre: Sci-Fi, Young Adult LGBTQ+ Category: Gay, Non-Binary, Trans MTF Reviewer: Lucy Get It On Amazon About The Book Adan Testa is on the run. Somehow he can use the centuries-old tech left behind by Neska’s original colonists. And that makes him the target of powerful forces willing to do whatever it takes to learn Adan’s secret for themselves. With relentless Union operatives hot on his heels, Adan and his friends begin a perilous journey along the 500-year-old trail to find the only thing that can give Adan the answers he seeks. Don’t miss this thrilling new addition to the … Read more

Review: Dirt-Stained Hands, Thorn-Pierced Skin – Tabitha O’Connell

Dirt-Stained Hands, Thorn-Pierced Skin - Tabitha O'Connell

Genre: Fairy Tale, Fantasy LGBTQ+ Category: Bi, Demi, Gay, Non-Binary Reviewer: Lucy Get It On Amazon About The Book A queer, Beauty-and-the-Beast-inspired novella Heron thought ey wanted to be with handsome, charming Tiel—but the relationship hasn’t quite lived up to eir expectations. With Tiel’s confidence comes a tendency to be overbearing, and now he wants Heron to leave eir farm life behind and move to town with him. And Heron can’t figure out how to explain to him that ey doesn’t want that. When an accident strands Heron’s mother at a castle rumored to belong to a family of mages, … Read more

Review: KYN – Laurence Ramsay

KYN - Laurence Ramsay

Genre: Sci-Fi, Cyberpunk, Hopepunk, Solarpunk LGBTQ+ Category: Bi, Gay, Gender Fluid, Lesbian, Non-Binary, Poly Reviewer: Beáta Get It On Amazon About The Book In a near post-dystopian future, an immortal assassin fights to defend civilization’s last city from the encroaching threat of mysterious invaders – all while struggling to protect those he loves from the twisted machinations of those he was bred to serve. Action-packed and dripping with slick style, KYN is a queer, hopepunk anthem set in a post-dystopian world of blazing colour and neon grit. Hyperkinetic and irreverent, it’s a f*ck you to the ‘Bury your Gays’ trope, … Read more