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ANNOUNCEMENT/GIVEAWAY: Baja Clavius, by Madeira Desouza

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Madeira Desouza has a new gay erotic sci fi tale out: Baja Clavius. This controversial science fiction adventure depicts gay male time travel agents with very bad behaviors. They are violent and immoral men. A few hundred years from now, these time travel agents work within a top-secret agency located beneath the crater Clavius on the moon. Their time-travel missions take them to Earth in the past where they ruthlessly manipulate man who are targeted for their roles in the outcomes of historical events such as the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995. Amazon eBook | Amazon Paperback Giveaway Madeira is … Read more

Announcement: Mysteries of the Moon Men Deep Inside, by Madeira Desouza

QSFer Madeira Desouza has a new sci fi book out: Hundreds of years from today in an alternate future there is a ruthless agency that manipulates time. They make sure yesterday turns out the way the agency leaders want. A top-secret base inside the moon sends young gay men on time travel missions to Earth. These agents change the past by using sexual tactics to gain power and control over the behaviors and actions of men. Buy Links Amazon Excerpt Yesterday I was lost and I died. Today I am alive again. I accept the truth about foregone tomorrows and … Read more