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ANNOUNCEMENT: Ciarrah’s Light, by Lou Hoffman

Ciarrah's Light

QSFer Lou Hoffman has a new queer YA Fantasy book out: Ciarrah’s Light. Luccan, future Suth Chiell of the Ethran Sunlands, also known as Lucky, has reached the end of a months-long adventure and gained much. Now he wants nothing more than to relax and recover at home. His mother’s apparition has other ideas, and dark dreams drag Lucky further and further into unconsciousness until he’s nearly dead. With help from Lucky’s sentient obsidian blade, Ciarrah, he makes it back to the light, only to find his country is in deep distress, and it’s getting deeper. The wizard Thurlock, Lucky’s … Read more

Lou Hoffmann’s Wraith Queen’s Veil blog tour stop: Humans + Magic=Wonderful Mayhem

Wrath Queen's Veil

QSFer Lou Hoffman is stopping by to talk about her latest book, Wraith Queen’s Veil: Hello! I’m Lou Hoffmann, author of The Sun Child Chronicles series, and I’m happy to be here on QSF today celebrating today’s release of book two, Wraith Queen’s Veil from Harmony Ink Press. (Thanks, Scott and QSFers, for inviting me!) I’m of course going to talk about my book, today, but I also get to touch on three of my other favorite topics: humans, magic, and mayhem. Thing is, anytime you combine the first two, you get the third, right? I mean, look at the … Read more