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ANNOUNCEMENT: Fairy Tales and Folklore Re-Imagined Anthology

Fairy Tales and Folklore Re-Imagined

QSFer Aidee Ladnier has a story in a new flash fiction fairy tale anthology: You’ve heard about the prince who rescues a princess locked in a tower and guarded by a fire-breathing dragon. The little girl with the red hooded cloak or black dogs who prowl the forest and moors. Just beyond the hedge is another world full of magic, mystery, and wonder. The talented authors found within these pages challenge the traditional norms and accepted stereotypes through poetry and prose that will stay with you beyond the last page. Step through the door and leave this world behind. Note: … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT: BooFF, by Matt Burlingame


QSFer Matt Burlingame has a new MM Paranormal book out: James Dixon has it all: a gorgeous fiance, a beautiful new house with the pool of his dreams, and his beloved dog Pepper. But his perfect life begins to unravel after the sudden disappearance of his best friend, Ben. Trying to maintain a sense of normalcy while desperate to find out what happened to his friend, James helps his fiance, Michael, plan their upcoming housewarming party. But the oddities keep adding up until James becomes convinced their new house is being haunted. Enlisting the help of his mother, a witch, … Read more

Video Games: Splatoon 2 Filled With Support for Trans, Gender Queer Players

A video game has been overwhelmed by an impromptu wave of support for LGBT+ rights. Splatoon 2 is a Nintendo Switch game in which players compete online as humans or squids to fire ink at targets and each other. But for many users, it has become so much more. Players can post in-game messages, and after one user stated that LGBT squids are “fresh as hell,” heartwarming posts started popping up all over the place, as reported by Mashable. After the game became a centre of support for furries last month, players have come together to assert spread the good … Read more

LGBT Slang – Discussion Point

The LGBT community has gone through many changes over the years and one aspect of that is its evolving lexicon. I thought it would be interesting to discuss this both as an historical subject and regarding the extent to which current LGBT authors incorporate slang terms into their writing. It is hard to tell how far back LGBT slang goes. Certainly the eighteenth-century molly subculture had its own lexicon, with some terms borrowed from thieves cant. No doubt the nineteenth century then adapted this to suit its own purposes as the decades passed. However, it’s in the twentieth century and … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT: Shadow Fray, by Bradley Lloyd

Shadow Fray

DSP Publications author Bradley Lloyd has a new queer sci fi book out: Family is worth fighting for—and family doesn’t always mean blood. No one knows what calamity poisoned the earth and decimated the human population, but living close to the toxic ground means illness and death. Justin is determined to keep his twin sister and younger brother from that fate—no matter what he has to do. To earn enough to keep his family safe in a high-rise, Justin enlists in a deadly sport called Shadow Fray. He quickly finds himself in over his head, especially when he is scheduled to face … Read more


community - pixabay

FOR READERS Today’s reader topic comes from QSFer A. Catherine Noon: How do you see the “LGBTIQA community” where you are in the world? I’m in the States, and I think, for me anyway, there’s a tendency to have blinders on in terms of our multi-country origins. Being LGBT isn’t unique to any one locale. We know cultural differences are real; to what extent do you see that affecting your own LGBT community specifically? I’d add to Catherine’s question – do you feel like you are connected to your local LGBTIQA community? Writers: This is a reader chat – you … Read more

Announcement/Deleted Scene: Ardulum: First Don, by J.S. Fields

Ardulum: First Don

J.S. Fields has a new FF sci fi romance out: Ardulum. The planet that vanishes. The planet that sleeps. Neek makes a living piloting the dilapidated tramp transport, Mercy’s Pledge, and smuggling questionable goods across systems blessed with peace and prosperity. She gets by—but only just. In her dreams, she is still haunted by thoughts of Ardulum, the traveling planet that, long ago, visited her homeworld. The Ardulans brought with them agriculture, art, interstellar technology…and then disappeared without a trace, leaving Neek’s people to worship them as gods. Neek does not believe—and has paid dearly for it with an exile … Read more

Announcement: Seven Deadly Sins: Furry Confessions Anthology

Seven Deadly Sins: Furry Confessions

QSFer Bill Kieffer is part of a new Furry anthology: Seven Deadly Sins has been a literary trope for centuries, popularized by Italian poet Dante. They are as follows: pride, greed, lust, wrath, gluttony, envy, and sloth. This collection is divided respectively into the seven parts. You will see anthro-animal characters at their darkest and weakest moments: at the whorehouse, at the chopping block, in the morgue, in the dining room with the candlestick. There is horror—especially in Wrath—and erotica—especially in Lust. Experience these characters’ sins. Then, stand and judge…or fall and be judged. Bill has a story in the … Read more

Announcement: Familiar Path, by AM Burns

Familiar Path

QSFer A.M. Burns has a new contemporary magical YA book out: Lugh’s mother packed up and moved them from sunny Florida to tiny Steamboat Springs, Colorado after his father’s accidental drowning. Resigned to his mom having to work a lot, and only just beginning to deal with his dad’s death, Lugh is disappointed when she is called in to work on his fifteenth birthday. After an unnerving dream, he decides to head to the nearby river where he ends up following a strange, urgent, internal pull. When another boy helps him rescue a young cat from the river, Lugh discovers a … Read more

Review: “Fragments” by Zen DiPietro

Title: Fragments Series: Dragonfire Station #2 Author: Zen DiPietro Genre: LGBTQ Science Fiction Publisher: Parallel Worlds Press (Sold by Amazon) Pages: 227 Blurb Fallon and her team need answers. But before they can storm the PAC base on Earth, they need to find supplies and deal with Fallon’s memory loss. Her strange dreams sure aren’t helping matters. If they’re memories that her brain is trying to reconstruct, her brain is just going to have to work harder at making some sense. Either way, once they arrive at Earth, all bets are off. As soon as they steal the information they … Read more