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The Lesfic Bard Awards: 2019 Finalists


We were fortunate to be asked to announce the winners of the 2019 Lesfic Bard Awards. Look for the Gay Scribe Awards in 2021! Here are the finalists, by category: Action Adventure Compound Interest by Annette Mori The kick-ass women in The Organization are back and they have their sights set on a few new recruits. Not everyone is jumping for joy at the choices, considering subterfuge is front and center in the games the new recruits have been playing. Dani is supposed to get her happily ever after, but she’s not sure what’s real anymore including Candy’s feelings for … Read more

The Lesfic Bard Awards: 2019 Winners

We were fortunate to be asked to announce the winners of the 2019 Lesfic Bard Awards. Look for the Gay Scribe Awards in 2021! Here are the winners, by category: Action Adventure Over the Crescent Moon by Karen D. Badger Makaya Kapule and Spencer Bennet are from vastly different backgrounds…Makaya from Hawaii and Spencer from Vermont. They met and fell in love as members of the National Fencing Team. On hiatus from their grueling training schedule, Makaya and Spencer fly to Hawaii to attend her sister’s traditional Hawai’ian wedding, at which, Spencer meets Makaya’s family for the first time. While … Read more