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Amazing Queer Disney Couples Art

We love these Disney couple reinterpretations, which pair heroes from the various films with other heroes of the same gender! The artist Isaiah Stephens drew the first set of women in honor of pride month, and the latter set – of men – for By Jack Flanagan – Full Story at Gay Star News =

Announcement: City of Hope and Ruin, by Kit Campbell and Siri Paulson

QSFers Kit Campbell and Siri Paulson have a new FF fantasy book out: Every night the monsters hunt. A city that is the whole world: Theosophy and her companions in the City militia do their best to protect the civilians from the monsters, but they keep crawling from the Rift and there’s nowhere to run. Theosophy knows she’ll die fighting. It’s the best kind of death she’s seen, and at least she can save lives in the meantime. They say the Scarred carve you up while you’re still alive. A village in the shadow of a forest: Refugees from the border … Read more

MERAKI Comics Unleashes Lesbian Hero

Maraki - Psi

MERAKI unleashes its futuristic Lesbian Hero vs. the Greek Gods of Old! Kickstarter began June 4, 2016! MERAKI (may-rah-kee) follows LGBT hero, Psi, as she battles her way through the realm of the dead! Ares, Zeus, and Hades re-emerge in this epic futurist adventure! A 6-Page Preview can be found at and the Kickstarter at “I wanted a book where the female heroes are cunning, brave and skilled. I wanted characters that represent the vast majority of us tired of one-dimensional tough guys and scantily-clad sirens!” – M.K. Palmer, writer/creator of MERAKI.

Game of Thrones to Get Lesbian Character

Game of Thrones season 6 just unveiled a female character who’s attracted to women – and many fans are thrilled. After the Greyjoys moved their Iron Fleet to Volantis to stock up on supplies, we saw the group indulging in an abundance of women and ale… including Yara Greyjoy. The kick-ass sister of Theon Greyjoy is pictured kissing a woman (and then some) before proclaiming: “Since it’s my last night ashore for a long while, I’m gonna go f**k the tits off this one.” By Bea Mitchell – Full Story at Pink News

Game Changing Lesbian Vampire Tale Re-Released

Jewelle Gomez

When writer Jewelle Gomez first moved to New York City in 1977, she met an extremely friendly white-haired woman in her apartment building elevator. After exchanging pleasantries, the woman asked Gomez a few questions. “I’m a poet,” Gomez recalls telling her. “Will I have read you?” her neighbor asked. “Oh, no, I haven’t been published,” Gomez replied. After hearing this, the woman’s demeanor changed and she scowled and became slightly agitated. “Don’t wait for them,” she implored. “Do it yourself. Find someone who does printing and put a chapbook together.”… Now 67, she is thrilled by The Gilda Stories comeback … Read more

A Lesbian Disney Princess?

The antelopes next door were gay – maybe. For viewers of the animated Disney hit “Zootopia,” it’s been a bit of a guessing game. In an early scene, rookie rabbit police officer Judy moves into her new apartment and meets her new neighbors. Bucky and Pronk are both antelopes and both men, who live together and bicker like a married couple. But . . . were they? The answer, available to sharp-eyed movie fans, comes in the closing credits: Bucky and Pronk share a last name, Oryx-Antlerson. While gay and lesbian characters are standard players in movies and TV shows … Read more

Lesbian Superheroes Who Won’t Die Suddenly

Aza Comics

After a recent furor over the untimely death of Lexa in the US apocalyptic drama ‘The 100’, fans of the show have called for more realistic representation of lesbian romance in media. Aza Comics is hoping to buck the trend by creating lesbian superheroes that won’t die so quickly. In its upcoming book series two lesbian superheroes, Genie and Jase, cooperate to overcome various challenges and develop a lasting romance together. ‘Their storylines are based on how they work together as an action duo to fight villains and overcome obstacles,’ writer Jazmin Truesdale told Gay Star News. Full Story from … Read more

Categorizing Our Books

Book categories

Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer ‘Nathan Smith: How do we walk the fine line between categorizing books as readers (or writers) in order to challenge the industry to be more representative? A novel with gay characters is often listed as gay (or, m/m) primarily, and discussed that way, even if it’s a science fiction or fantasy or romance or mystery. In SF we have a bit more leeway and I feel like we’ve made a bit more progress than other genres, but even then: if the book involves LGBTQ characters, it’ll be very much treated as a queer book–which … Read more

For Readers: Who Decides It’s YA?

Gay YA

Today’s reader topic comes from QSFer Richard Wood: Who makes the decision whether a LGBT book or story is YA suitable or not? Is it the author or the publisher and do different publishers have different standards of what is suitable as far as depictions of sex in a LGBT YA rated story? It’s a good question. For instance, I’ve often heard that works with fade-to-black sex scenes… you know: “Christian took Skylar by the hand with a wicked grin. He pulled him down onto the bed as the door slowly closed behind them…” …are “suitable” for YA because there’s … Read more

For Readers: Lesbian Movie Cliches and Why They Hurt Fiction

Film Tropes

Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer Angel Martinez: You know the ones. The Self-sabotaging protagonist. The angry, humorless lesbian. The butch badass. The omg a lesbian relationship is so scandalous movies. The man who comes along and magically breaks up an established lesbian couple. What are the lesbian film tropes, and what would you like to see replace them? Writers: This is a reader chat – you are welcome to join it, but please do not reference your own works directly. Thanks! Join the chat