ANNOUNCEMENT: Water & Air, by Janelle Reston
QSFer Janelle Reston has a new FF fantasy book out: Miranda is an ordinary young woman resentful of the magic that runs in her family but has skipped her generation. If she had such powers, she certainly wouldn’t be like the witches who descend on her lake resort town every summer, wasting their powers on stupid party tricks. But when Miranda meets a water witch named Hazel, she starts to wonder if the practitioners of magic aren’t so bad after all. And if reconciling herself to the world of witchcraft means she has a better chance of sleeping with Hazel, … Read more
ANNOUNCEMENT: The Eldritch Heart, by Matthew S. Cox
QSFer Matthew S. Cox has a new lesbian YA Fantasy book out: Princess Oona Talomir adores the little things that come with her station: a handmaiden, a lavish bedchamber, scores of fancy dresses, and the obligation to win a decades-long war. Oh, did I mention assassins? Before her birth, seers foretold she would bring an end to bloodshed with a neighboring kingdom. Ever since she was a little girl, the enemy has been trying to kill her so she could not grow powerful enough to destroy them. As a result, Oona has spent most of her sixteen years hidden away … Read more
TV: Charmed Reboot Casts Lesbian Witch
The reboot of Charmed has cast its lesbian witch. Melonie Diaz, 33, will play Mel, the sapphic sister who’s set to star in new version of the show. The original Charmed ran for eight seasons in the late 90s and early 00s. Diaz, who has been featured in Fruitvale Station alongside Michael B. Jordan, will hit TV screens as a vocal, passionate activist. Mel, described as a “strong-willed feminist lesbian,” will have a police detective girlfriend, Soo Jin – not unlike Maggie Sawyer, Alex Danvers’ ex-girlfriend on Supergirl. By Josh Jackman – Full Story at Pink News
ANNOUNCEMENT: Can You Hear Me, by Geonn Cannon
QSFer Geonn Cannon has a new FF sci fi book out: For the next two years, Colonel Noa Laurie – the sole survivor of a disaster which destroyed the International Space Station – will be orbiting Earth in an experimental craft called ODIE. Her mission: to clear away the treacherous minefield of space junk that has accumulated around the planet and endangers future missions. Her only lifeline during this mission will be the radio connecting her to the command center and whoever happens to be assigned to the communications desk. Or so she thinks. Because tucked away and almost forgotten … Read more
FILM: A Girlfriend for Elsa?
For a long time Frozen fans have been shipping a potential lesbian romance for lead character Elsa. The #GiveElsaAGirlfriend went viral in 2016 as fans all over the world called on Disney to pair the princess up with a female love interest in the movie’s sequel. Petitions to Disney to make Elsa gay got thousands of signatures. But now fans are in a frenzy after Frozen co-director Jennifer Lee’s recent comments. She said the film’s creative team was ‘conscientious’ of the conversations happening around Elsa’s sexuality. ‘I love everything people are saying [and] people are thinking about with our film … Read more
TV: Black Lightning: Who is Anissa Pierce?
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard of new Netflix series Black Lightning. Released on a weekly basis, it follows Jefferson Pierce, a retired black superhero, who returns to his former life of vigilantism when crime starts to escalate within his community. Black Lightning – which airs on The CW in the US and Netflix in the UK – has proven to be a hit, with critics and fans describing it as a series that is not only “powerful” and “fresh” but one that has a “strong sense of identity” too. Lifted straight from the DC … Read more
NineStar Press seeks F/F paranormal stories
NineStar Press has an ongoing call for paranormal lesbian/bi romances or erotic short stories of 5,000–12,000 words. Payment is in royalties.
Read the full post on Dale Cameron Lowry’s blog for writers.
ANNOUNCEMENT: The Tale of a Faerie Knight, by Tay Laroi
QSFer Tay LaRoi has a new FF fantasy book out: After the fall of Queen Mab, DJ Suzuki resolves herself to an aimless life of entertaining, drinking, and hooking up within the Faerie Realm. After twenty ageless years, she knows she can’t go back to her family, despite the fact that her brother still searches for her and the small voice telling her that her parents might have had a change of heart about her orientation. When a young woman named Talia shows up at DJ’s workplace desperate for help, DJ sees a way to rid herself of the guilt … Read more
TV: “Black Lightning” to Bring Black Lesbian Superhero to the Small Screen
A black lesbian superhero is set to make a groundbreaking entrance on your TV screen. Black Lightning, a show coming to The CW on January 16, features the title character as a father to two daughters: Thunder and Lightning. And it’s Thunder, played by 28-year-old Nafessa Williams, who is set to make history. The superhero, whose real name in the show is Anissa Pierce, is “timely and necessary,” according to Williams. Speaking at San Diego Comic-Con, she said: “We need it. It’s been way too long.” And she’ll have a bi girlfriend. *squee*