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Review: The Guardian – Chisto Healy

NEW RELEASE: The Guardian - Chisto Healy

Genre: Fantasy LGBTQ+ Category: Lesbian, Bi Reviewer: Scott Get It On Amazon About The Book A battle to avenge the past is also a fight to protect the future. Twelve years ago, Marista, warrior for the royal guard of Avaron, was given the sworn duty of protecting her fallen kingdom’s infant prince, Derrin. Marista was hidden away with the prince while her people fought and died at the hands of the Vorcan raiders. Now… Lord Vorcan is hunting them to eliminate what remains of his enemy. With no one to oppose him he could replace the Lands’ many cultures with a … Read more

Review: Prince of Shadows – R.J. Vickers

Prince of Shadows - R.J. Vickers

Genre: Epic Fantasy LGBTQ+ Category: Bi, Gay, Lesbian Reviewer: HL Get It On Amazon About The Book Baylore is the world’s last safe haven for magic. And the Whitish are determined to destroy it at all costs. Twenty years ago, the enchanted Wandering Woods saved Baylore from the Whitish when they picked up their roots and formed a living wall around the city. Now, Prince Daymin is the only one who can keep the forest wall in place. As the Whitish prepare once more to attack, the alliance between Baylore and the people of the forest grows strained. If the … Read more

New Release: As Fast As She Can – E. F. Schraeder

As Fast as She Can

E. F. Schraeder has a new lesbian horror / coming of age book out: As Fast As She Can. Living in a quiet house on the outskirts of town, Ginger isn’t like the other girls. When she wakes up and discovers the unthinkable about her adoptive parents, she runs away and goes on a rampage straight to the only friend she has. Can she control what they both become? With a violent, growing hunger and more questions than answers, Ginger has nowhere to turn. Amazon | Universal Buy Link Excerpt Two dozen camps dotted the acreage around the five-mile perimeter of … Read more

New Release / Giveaway: Herald’s Call – Jaymie Wagner

Herald's Call - Jaymie Wagner

Jaymie Wagner has a new FFF urban fantasy out, Sing For Me book 3: Herald’s Call. And there’s a giveaway. Woe to the wolf who dares to callWith unworthy hearts lest darkness fallDour note this horn will playThe hounds shall rise and wolves shall bayThrough the horn Herne shall commandBy blood of the Hunt and a worthy hand! It is said that long ago Herne, the god of the Hunt, could use his Horn to make wolves obey his commands. A legend that Amy Oakley, Alpha of the Howlers pack, learned as a child and stopped believing in long before … Read more

New Release: Salvage – R J Theodore

Salvage - R J Theodore

QSFer R J Theodore has a new queer sci-fantasy steampunk book out: Salvage. Peridot is headed for its second cataclysm. War has broken ancient alliances, sealed borders, and locked down the skies. The Five, Peridot’s alchemist gods, have seen one of their number die and another fall in their efforts to protect their world from invaders beyond the stars. Defeated and diminished, they have ceased to answer the prayers of their people and have left the rapidly unraveling world to fend for itself. Talis and the orphaned crew of the lost airship Wind Sabre have a plan to set things to rights, … Read more

Review: Sanctuary – Andi C. Buchanan

Sanctuary - Andi C. Buchanan

Genre: Fantasy, Contemporary LGBTQ+ Category: Bi, Gay, Lesbian, Non-Binary, Trans MTF Reviewer: SI Get It On Amazon About The Book Morgan’s home is a sanctuary for ghosts. The once-grand, now dilapidated old house they live in has become a refuge for their found family—Morgan’s partner Araminta, an artist with excellent dress sense; Theo, a ten-year-old with an excess of energy; quiet telekinesthetic pensioner Denny—as well as the ghosts who live alongside them. All people who once needed sanctuary for their queer, neurodivergent selves. Now they offer that safety to the dead as well as the living. When a collection of … Read more

GoT Star Maisie Williams Thought Her Character Was Queer Too

Maisie Williams as Arya Stark

Game of Thrones’ Maisie Williams has given LGBTQ+ fans something to talk about this Pride Month. The actor revealed that until she filmed a sex scene in the final run of HBO series, she always believed her character, Arya Stark, was queer. “The first time that I was surprised by Arya I guess was probably in the final series where she whips off her clothes and sleeps with Gendry, I thought that Arya was queer, you know?” Williams told Teen Vogue. “So… yeah. That was a surprise.” Game of Thrones fans long suspected that Arya Stark was queer – so … Read more

New Release: Perilous Passages – Edale lane

New Release - Perilous Passages - Edale lane

QSFer Edale Lane has a new FF historical collection out, Wellington Mysteries book 2: Perilous Passages. After solving a minor case for a major payout, Stetson embarks on a trip to America with Evelyn and her burlesque company, hoping to find her long-lost father. But the inventive detective leaves with an unidentified art thief still at large. Musician Evelyn has grown to love the unique woman who bends the rules to pursue her dreams. But facing the disapproval of her family and society at large, how can their relationship move forward? Can Stetson keep her newfound love alive, or will … Read more

Review: Dead Woman’s Revenge – Elle E. Ire

Dead Woman's Revenge - Elle E. Ire

Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal LGBTQ+ Category: Lesbian Reviewer: HL Get It On Amazon About The Book Flynn Dalton doesn’t want to be a hero. But for Genesis, she’ll do whatever it takes. After her first, deadly brush with the paranormal, Flynn just wants to get back to her life: construction work, semiprofessional bowling, and her fiancée, Genesis. Unfortunately, Flynn’s abilities have caught the attention of the National Psychic Registry, and they have their own agenda. Wherever Flynn goes, the registry follows, setting up tests of her abilities, hounding her to attend the conference in Atlantic City for evaluation and training. Flynn … Read more

New Release: Endurance – Elaine Burnes

New Release: Endurance - Elaine Burnes

QSFer Elaine Burnes has a new FF sci-fi book out: Endurance. What if you were stranded. On a spaceship. Four light years from Earth. With a hundred tourists. And you are the captain. Then things start to go wrong. Welcome aboard the Endurance. It’ll be the trip of a lifetime. For five years, Captain Lyn Randall of the Endurance has ferried tourists around the solar system for Omara Tours. Now, as she takes in the rings of Saturn for the last time, she’s looking forward to indulging in simpler pleasures like flying antique airplanes over her childhood home in Montana. … Read more