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REVIEW: Sunkissed Feathers & Severed Ties, by Kellie Doherty

Sunkissed Feathers & Severed Ties

Title: Sunkissed Feathers and Severed Ties  Series: Broken Chronicles Book One Author: Kellie Doherty Genre: Fantasy LGBTQ+ Category: Bisexual Publisher: Self Pages: 335 Reviewer: Sherry, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon About The Book Misti Eildelmann is a Vagari—a race whose innate crafting ability is connected to the creatures of the world. She’s also a Moon Knight. Misti is fighting a banished one when he slips a pendant around her neck that saps her strength. The pendant is dangerous. Deadly even. It harnesses crafting in a way not seen before, so she sets off to find help. Old and new … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT: Losing Hold, by Kellie Doherty

Losing Hold

QSFer Kellie Doherty has a new FF sci fi romance out: In the sequel to Finding Hekate, after escaping Donavin’s grasp, Mia Foley and her crew crash on a prison planet and need to deal with its inhabitants, beast and criminals alike. Mia hears Donavin in her mind once again and knows the transformation into one of his drones isn’t far off. Trapped in her own body, lashing against Donavin each chance she gets, and fearful that she’ll lose it all, Mia has to rely on her crew—on Cassidy—to save her. But she’s not the only one transforming in her … Read more

Announcement: Finding Hekate, by Kellie Doherty

Finding Hekate

QSFer Kellie Doherty has a new FF sci fi book out: Ever wanted get into the mind of the hunted? Shoot across the stars with a ramshackle crew? Finding Hekate, by Kellie Doherty, launched on April 8th from Desert Palm Press. Mia Foley is captain of a new spaceship when the Acedians hunt her down again. She must sever her ties with her crew in order to run, but she’s grown fond of them, especially first mate Cassidy Gates. Staying with them, though, will still jeopardize their safety. Mia’s time as herself is running out. Cicatrix Duology Book 1 Excerpt … Read more