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ANNOUNCEMENT: Heathens, by Jonah Bergan


QSFer Jonah Bergan has a new gay YA sci fi book out: Can one very angry boy save the world? I mean sure, maybe he could if he had super powers, but he doesn’t. He only has a little talent. He can push things with his mind. That’s something, but it’s not enough. He can fight. That’s something too, but that’s not enough either. Since the world ended that’s pretty much all he’s done anyway-fight. It hasn’t changed anything—not for the better anyhow. No, he needs something else. He needs some kind of real power. He needs the one thing … Read more

Jonah Bergan on Star Trek Renegades (or How I Made a Fool of Myself in No Time At All)

Jonah Bergan on Star Trek Renegades or How I Made a Fool of Myself in No Time At All by Jonah Bergan Respect is important, and if anyone understands that, it’s the fans of Star Trek. Those who know me know I am respectful of others. They know I am an even tempered man. I am not prone to anger or rather; I am not prone to angry outbursts. I’ve worked with the public for far too long to let one random opinion or another rankle me, and I’m a writer, so I have plenty of constructive outlets for many … Read more

Review: Off World, by Jonah Bergan

Off World

I had the pleasure to receive an advance copy of Jonah Bergan’s new MM sci fi book Off World. The cover of the book is gorgeous – it immediately made me interested in reading the story. The image of the main character is mysterious and gorgeous, and the planetary background promises a lush sci fi adventure. The story doesn’t disappoint. Let me say up front that the book does include some semi graphic sex with a dominance theme. But one of the things I loved about it was that the sex was both secondary and integral to the science fiction … Read more

Announcement: Off World, by Jonah Bergan

Off World

QSFer Jonah Bergan has a new sci fi book out: What really brought Taine to that backwater little world? Taineís a hunter. Heís a red-skinned and black-eyed Lowman by nature, and a hunter by trade. Some hunters work in flesh, others in secrets, and some few work to set right whatís been set wrong. Itís a big galaxy and thereís always plenty of work for a hunter like Taine, so you got to wonder, what with all that at his feet, what really brought Taine to that backwater little world? Off-World is a M/m science fiction action/adventure set in F/m … Read more

Why Does it Matter if a Character is Gay?

Jonah Bergan bw

It’s a fair question, I suppose. It’s a fair question for those who feel that their own sexuality is somehow unimportant or is some manner disconnected from their identity. It’s a fair question for those who feel that anyone’s sexuality is an aberration or distraction from their true being. I for one don’t feel that is the case, but in this age where the mere mention of a difference between us is held up as an example of someone’s political agenda, I understand how it could seem to be a part of that and how, in order to protest the … Read more