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ANNOUNCEMENT: Terror in Time Collection, by Melodie Romeo

Terror in Time

QSFer Melodie Romeo has a new queer horror collection out: “Terror in Time.” Terror in Time is a collection of nine eerie tales of the macabre and the unexpected that will chill you to the bone. From Celtic lore and ancient evils, to ghosts, voodoo, and legendary creatures, these stories are sure to please the horror enthusiast and history buff alike. It even includes the obligatory spoof taking zombies where no zombie has gone before! So lock your doors and turn up the lights, for you never know what evil lurks in the shadows, and settle down for a good … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT/GIVEAWAY: Gargoyle, by J. Scott Coatsworth


QSFer J. Scott Coatsworth has a new MM paranormal/horror book out just in time for Halloween: Gargoyle. James Matson – Mattie to his friends – has it bad. It’s 1974 in Alabama, not the best time or place for a young gay guy to have a crush on his college football quarterback. But James can’t help himself. Randy Paxton is a football player with needs. His girlfriend isn’t putting out, so he takes what he can get. A warm mouth is a warm mouth, after all. And Daniel O’Malley has a crush too… on James. But James hardly gives him … Read more

Sources of Inspiration: Food for Imagination

We’re in the middle of my favorite month, a time of brilliant fall colors and my favorite grapes. It’s also the month of Halloween. If there’s a holiday I love writing fiction about, it’s this one. Vampires, ghosts, and witches are among my favorite subject matter all year around. Halloween celebrates the gothic. It’s a holiday associated with ancient crypts filled with secrets or creatures waiting to be released within banks of mist in which the undead could be waiting. Grinning pumpkin illuminate the darkness, drawing attention to smiles that are a little disturbing. All of this imagery is food … Read more

FOR READERS: Favorite Monster

Monster - pixabay

FOR READERS Today’s reader topic comes from QSFer Kari Trenten: For our Halloween chat – what’s your favorite monster? And feel free to share your favorite Halloween book(s) featuring said monster! Writers: This is a reader chat – you are welcome to join it, but please do not reference your own works directly. Thanks! Join the chat

Halloween PSA Takes On Gender Stereotypes in Kids’ Costumes

Halloween Ad

A new heartwarming Halloween PSA takes a swipe at gender stereotypes surrounding children’s costumes. The video, produced by Landwirth Legacy Productions, begins with two kids, a boy and a girl, carving pumpkins with their dad: One bearing the Batman logo, the other the Wonder Woman logo. It isn’t clear who carved which, but it becomes clear that their choices are meant to match up with their costumes, brought out by the mom. The father looks nervous. “Their costumes are going to look awesome,” the mother assures him. Next, we see the kids go out trick-or-treating, but without ever seeing their … Read more

Extreme Haunted Housing

Extreme Haunted Housing

Haunted houses scare up a lot of attention this time of year, but few provide the frights of McKamey Manor. Russ McKamey started this homemade haunted attraction in the backyard of his San Diego home, and it’s considered the most extreme full-contact haunt of all time, according to the new documentary “Haunters: The Art Of The Scare.” McKamey has since moved his scare show to Nashville, Tennessee, and Huntsville, Alabama, but the rules are still frighteningly simple: In exchange for signing a waiver, visitors get waterboarded, covered in tarantulas or locked in a coffin. As the clip from “Haunters” shows, … Read more

Our Favorite 2016 Halloween Costume

vSilver Surfer

Jesse Wellens of the YouTube channel PrankvsPrank, assisted by an incredible make-up job from Alexys Fleming, took to the streets of New York City on his silver “surfboard” as Silver Surfer, Marvel’s humanoid superhero with metallic skin, over Halloween weekend. By Andy Towle – Full Story at

Nine Trashy But Scary Halloween Movies

Drag Me to Hell

Is it just me, or do LGBTI people have a thing for scary movies? I’ve encountered enough gay horror aficionados in my time to say: quite possibly. So ahead of Halloween on Monday 31 October, we’re revisiting our favourite absurdly camp – but surprisingly decent – horror flicks of the oft-overlooked variety. Some are criminally underrated. Others have fallen off radar since release. The rest commonly find themselves overshadowed by their bigger blockbuster brothers and sisters (sometimes within their own franchise). Whatever the case, we say pass on seeing Scream form the 100th time (although obviously that’s one of the … Read more

News: Matt Baume – The Best Gay Halloween Flicks

Death Becomes Her

“Happy Halloween! By all means, go out and party. But what if you’re a grumpy loner like me and all you want is a nice quiet spooky evening at home? Well, what better way to spend a dark and stormy night than with a creepy, scary, or generally disturbing movie. Last week I asked a bunch of folks on Twitter and Facebook to recommend some of their favorite Halloweeny films, and I get some spooktactular suggestions. I gathered up my favorites, threw away the raisins, and now here are your best bets for a scary film fest.” Full Story at … Read more

Exclusive: Teaser of the Upcoming WROTE Podcast LGBT Halloween Episode

Hey all… we’ve got something really cool today – a teaser for the 3MMuskateers Podcast (now changing to WROTE to be more inclusive) for Halloween. The folks at WROTE have pulled together seven short stories for Halloween, and are giving them the full spooky treatment: The 3 M/Musketeers podcast has realized it’s time to be more LGBTQ inclusive. Their new brand, WROTE Podcast – “Written on the Edge” – celebrates queer storytelling in all genres and across all mediums! To celebrate this move forward, your hosts have teamed up with several podcast alumni authors to put together a Halloween Storytime … Read more