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FOR READERS & WRITERS: Beyond Human Genders

water fluit - pixabay

FOR READERS & WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer Jim Comer: What about genders or gender-free aliens that are based on a dynamic other than male-female? Ie: where the genders are based on the Four Elements, or the signs of the Zodiac, or the mammalian orders, or something different? Not human genders in the usual sense, or about Earth. Writers, share your works; readers, your fave reads. Writers: This is a writer chat – you are welcome to share your own book/link, as long as it fits the chat, but please do so as part of a discussion about … Read more

#OWNVOICES: Transgender, Gender Fluid, Non-Conforming & Non-Binary

We’re starting a new thing on Saturdays on the QSF Facebook group – #ownvoices. Each week, we’ll feature a different group of writers who don’t get the attention they should. Today, we’re featuring trans, non-conforming, gender fluid and non-binary authors who write similar characters. #ownvoices If you’re an enby, gender fluid or non-conforming spec fic author, tell us about yourself, your experiences author, and the books you write (especially those with similar characters – with links, please). If you’re not, you can still participate – share your favorite enby, gender fluid or non-conforming spec fic author authors and their works … Read more

#OWNVOICES: Transgender, Gender Fluid, Non-Conforming & Non-Binary

We’re starting a new thing on Saturdays on the QSF Facebook group – #ownvoices. Each week, we’ll feature a different group of writers who don’t get the attention they should. Today, we’re featuring trans, non-conforming, gender fluid and non-binary authors who write similar characters. #ownvoices If you’re an enby, gender fluid or non-conforming spec fic author, tell us about yourself, your experiences author, and the books you write (especially those with similar characters – with links, please). If you’re not, you can still participate – share your favorite enby, gender fluid or non-conforming spec fic author authors and their works … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT/GIVEAWAY: Migration – Queer Sci Fi Flash Fiction Anthology #5


Queer Sci Fi has just released the annual QSF Flash Fiction anthology. This year, the theme is “Migration.” MI-GRA-TION (noun) 1) Seasonal movement of animals from one region to another. 2) Movement of people to a new area or country in order to find work or better living conditions. 3) Movement from one part of something to another. Three definitions to inspire writers around the world and an unlimited number of possible stories to tell. Here are 120 of our favorites. Migration feaures 300 word speculative flash fiction stories from across the rainbow spectrum, from the minds of the writers … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT/GIVEAWAY: Keeping House, by Jeanne G’Fellers

QSFer Jeanne G’Fellers has a new queer non-binary/gender fluid paranormal fantasy out in the Appalachian Elementals series: “Keeping House.” Centenary Rhodes is caught in a deal she didn’t make. Thanks to her eternal lover, Stowne’s, quick thinking, she’ll live forever, but there’s a hitch. Cent’s now fey, and three months out of the year she’ll live on the other side of Embreeville Mountain among the Hunter Fey, serving their king, Dane Gow. As Cent begins wading through the anachronisms that come with being a Hunter, she learns that nothing is what it initially seems. Cent shares several past lives with … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT: Nexus Nine, by Mary E. Lowd

Nexus Nine

QSFer Mary E. Lowd has a new pansexual/genderfluid queer sci fi book out: Nexus Nine. Deep space, nine lives… Or maybe nine-hundred? When a calico cat with a computer chip in her head — full of lifetimes worth of memories — sets out to uncover the mysteries of her distant past, she finds herself on a space station in a recently war-torn star system.  Will her best friend from one of her previous lives as a dog still accept her?  Can she make new friends with the local bird-like aliens, and how does her own past entangle with the history … Read more

#OWNVOICES: Transgender Non-Conforming & Non-Binary

We’re starting a new thing on Saturdays on the QSF Facebook group – #ownvoices. Each week, we’ll feature a different group of writers who don’t get the attention they should. Today, we’re featuring trans non-conforming, gender fluid and non-binary authors who write similar characters. #ownvoices If you’re an enby, gender fluid or non-conforming spec fic author, tell us about yourself, your experiences author, and the books you write (especially those with similar characters – with links, please). If you’re not, you can still participate – share your favorite enby, gender fluid or non-conforming spec fic author authors and their works … Read more

FOR WRITERS: Future Gender

FOR WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer J. Scott Coatsworth: Over the last few decades, our societal understanding of gender has evolved beyond the binary to encompass transgender, non-binary, gender-queer and gender-fluid folks. In your sci fi works, how have you dealt with the understanding and expression of gender in the future? Writers: This is a writer chat – you are welcome to share your own book/link, as long as it fits the chat, but please do so as part of a discussion about the topic. Join the chat

FOR READERS: Blurring the Gender Spectrum

gender spectrum - pixabay

FOR READERS Today’s reader topic comes from QSFer Hank T. Cannon: What books do you like where masculinity/femininity, etc. is portrayed as a continuum? Where characters don’t exist as only binary choices when it comes to gender? Where gender identity is one more piece of a complex puzzle of who characters are, alongside race, class, and sexual identity? I’ve updated and edited the original topic a bit. Writers: This is a reader chat – you are welcome to join it, but please do not reference your own works directly. Thanks! Join the chat This is a legacy chat.

VIDEO GAMES: Pink White or Blue Focuses on Gender Identity and Dysphoria

Pink White or Blue

Pink White or Blue is a new video game by Esmada Interactive that follows a young person as they navigate the world unsure of where they belong. In the narrative story, which features some elements of horror, you play a transgender person trying to cope with a binary world. The Game ‘You start Pink White or Blue as a feminine character in a beautiful country ranch, picking flowers and spending time with the horses that roam there. It’s an idyllic life, full of beauty and happiness, but you find pages of a comic book that tell a story of someone … Read more