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Mark Hamill: Luke Skywalker Is Gay

“I just read online that JJ is very much open to that. In the old days you would get fan mail. But now fans are writing and ask all these questions, ‘I’m bullied in school… I’m afraid to come out’. They say to me, ‘Could Luke be gay?’ I’d say it is meant to be interpreted by the viewer. If you think Luke is gay, of course he is. You should not be ashamed of it. Judge Luke by his character, not by who he loves.” Full Story at LGBTQ Nation

Deadpool’s 17 Most Homoerotic Moments


Deadpool is coming out this week internationally, and according to Ryan Reynolds and director Tim Miller, it will be the first comic book film starring a pansexual superhero. So what better time to look back on some of the character’s most homoerotic moments from comic book history? Full Story at Gay Star News

Back to the Gay Future

When I was a kid, my stepfather amassed an amazing collection of science fiction magazines. He had so many that he had his room lined in bookcases to hold them all. The covers seemed to be sending me messages, hot gay messages. Most of these covers were in my stepfather’s collection. Might as well start with the ne plus ultra of crypto-homo covers. Could have been one of my father’s Physique Pictorials. But that’s another story… Full Story at The Advocate

“Strain” by Amelia C. Gormley

Genre: Gay Erotic Science Fiction Length: Novel It’s post-apocalyptic Earth–Oregon, actually (I’m an Oregonian!). There was a terrible virus, which rampantly spread through the world’s population and basically turned people into zombies, killing most, and dooming the rest. Not only that, but several forms of the virus are airborne (that’s really bad news). As with quite a few post-apocalyptic survivors, Rhys Cooper has lived most of his life in a rural religious commune, and when zombies break into his family’s compound, he gets exposed. Lucky for him, the regional task force full of super human soldiers finds him, and they … Read more

Review: Artifice, by Alex Woolfson

Now I see what all the fuss is about. I just finished reading the graphic novel Artifice, by Alex Woolfson (illustrations by Winona Nelson). When we planned to attend Rainbow Con, Angel was all excited about the featured guest, some guy I’d never heard of. Turns out Alex had the table across from QSF in the dealer room – he’s a great, sweet, personable guy. I’m sorry it took me so long to review this, Alex! I planned to buy it at RC, but Mark dissuaded me – apparently because he wanted to surprise me for Christmas with a signed … Read more

News: Sean Ashmore Would Like to Play a Gay Iceman

Iceman Gay

Shawn Ashmore is keen to rejoin the popular superhero film franchise. The actor who plays Iceman in the X Men movie series has expressed an interest in returning to the franchise now that the character is officially gay. Shawn Ashmore says that he thinks that the Bobby Drake’s recent comic book coming out story is the best thing that could have happened to the character. “Obviously the comics and movies are separate. I wonder what the transition would be because we’ve sort of established Bobby as having a love interest in Rogue and having a love interest in sort of … Read more

The Top 10 Gay Superhero Fantasies Fans Would Love To See Become Reality

Following the news that a real-life Lex Luthor appears to have taken a knife to a mural showing Batman and Superman locking lips, PinkNews takes a look at the works of gay superhero fan fiction. Whether its Iron Man and Captain America getting up close and personal, or the aforementioned DC icons flying off into the Metropolis sunset, it seems that some fans are desperate for their favourite superheroes to become more than just team mates… Batman and Superman Rich Simmons piece shows the DC legends locked in a passionate embrace, much to the dismay of a possible damsel in … Read more

News: Watch a Gay Fairy Tale “The Bravest Knight Who Ever Lived”

How often in fairy tales does the brave knight rescue the princess and they live happily ever after? Well, Daniel Errico’s added a bit of a twist to that old story with The Bravest Knight Who Ever Lived, which just premiered on Hulu. “LGBT relationships are typically avoided in children’s media or labeled age-inappropriate, putting kids at a disadvantage towards understanding later on in life,” Errico told The Huffington Post about putting the fairy back in fairy tale. “It’s important for kids’ movies and TV to introduce the world in a nurturing and positive way, which means creating multi-dimensional LGBT … Read more

News: Did Scientists Just Discover Evidence That ‘Gay Genes’ Exist?


Scientists may have found genetic indicators of whether someone has same or opposite-sex attraction. The link was discovered when scientists compared the DNA of 47 sets of male twins. The pairs included some where the two twins had a different sexual orientation. Looking at the molecular data from nine genome sites, researchers could guess whether a twin pair was straight or gay with up to 70% accuracy. Lead researcher Dr Tuck Ngun, from the University of California at Los Angeles, said: “To our knowledge, this is the first example of a predictive model for sexual orientation based on molecular markers.” … Read more