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Announcement: Code Name Jack Rabbit, by Elizabeth Noble

Code Name Jack Rabbit

QSFer Elizabeth Noble has a new mystery/suspense/paranormal book out: Meet the newest members of the Vampire Guard, where legend and myth meet science and technology. Jonas Forge, vampire. Once a spy and soldier, now a cop, Forge enjoys the life he’s built with his friends in Flint, Ohio. Blair Turner, PhD. Blair, a vampire and computer hacker with exceptional skills, shares a powerful empathic bond with Forge, his soulmate. Declan, vampire, ex-pirate, ex-fur trapper, thief, and con man. Declan is Forge’s former lover and soulmate to Lucas Coate. Lucas Coate, MD, Flint’s medical examiner. A werewolf living amongst vampires, Lucas … Read more

Amazing Queer Disney Couples Art

We love these Disney couple reinterpretations, which pair heroes from the various films with other heroes of the same gender! The artist Isaiah Stephens drew the first set of women in honor of pride month, and the latter set – of men – for By Jack Flanagan – Full Story at Gay Star News =

Sulu is Gay!

Hikaru Sulu, played by John Cho in the reboot of the Star Trek franchise, is revealed to have a loving same-sex partner with whom he is raising a daughter, in Star Trek Beyond, the Herald Sun reports: Cho visited Sydney to promote the third movie in the franchise successfully rebooted by JJ Abrams in 2009, along with cast mates Chris Pine (Captain Kirk), Zachary Quinto (Spock), Karl Urban (Dr McCoy) and director Justin Lin. He said the decision by writer Simon Pegg and Lin to make Sulu gay was a nod to George Takei, who played the character in the … Read more

Announcement: Wolf’s-Own Bundle, by Carole Cummings

Wolf's-Own Bundle

QSFer Carole Cummings has a new fantasy/paranormal series bundle out: Read Wolf’s-own: the four-book fantasy epic featuring Fen Jacin-rei—Incendiary, Catalyst, Once-Untouchable—and Kamen Malick, who is determined to decode the intrigue that surrounds him. Fen’s mind is host to the spirits of long-dead magicians, and Fen’s fate should be one of madness and ignoble death. So how is it Fen lives, carrying out shadowy vengeance for his subjugated people and protecting the family he loves? With a threat all too close and a secret he needs to explain, Malick is at odds with those who should be his allies, and no … Read more

Robin Hood Re-imagined

Gay Robin Hood

Hero, anti-hero, thief, archer, gorgeous and… gay? In a new comic book series by Oni Press, the legendary swordsman known for his good looks and for robbing from the rich to give to the poor, as well as his Merry Men friends are a bunch of burly gay guys in the woods. That’s according to a new interpretation of the English folklore by openly gay writer Robert Rodi, and with art by Jackie Lewis. Full Story at

Marvel Video Game Outs Gay Superhero

Union Jack

The game, which features alternate younger versions of the classic Marvel characters attending a not-at-all-like-X-Men superhero school, debuted Jack’s alter ego Brian Falsworth in an update. Tucked inside a story mission within the game is a minor revelation, when Black Widow approaches the character and attempts to flirt. He responds: “No offence, you’re not my type.” When asked if he prefers another female character instead, Falsworth responds: “I’m telling you I’m gay.” By Nick Duffy – Full Story at Pink News

There is a Little Gay in Star Trek

Blood & Fire

News broke this week that a group of LGBTQ Star Trek fans had targeted CBS and Paramount Pictures with an online petition for the next captain in the franchise to be queer. That should come as no surprise given the gains by lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgender and queer people in terms of representation in the entertainment medium. Sadly, it’s still “news” whenever some celebrity comes out, and all too often a topic of promotion when a Hollywood producer can boast he’s hired a token member of the LGBTQ community, “to promote diversity.” Of course Star Trek should not be excluded … Read more


After becoming the first movie in 2016 to pass the $1 billion mark worldwide in just 24 days since its release, Captain America: Civil War is already gaining legendary status. Now, fans of the Marvel muscled superhero want to find him a boyfriend. Since last Sunday, social media has been inundated with requests for Marvel Comics to find Captain America, the alter ego of Steve Rogers, his true (same-sex) love. The #GiveCaptainAmericaABoyfriend movement started trending on Twitter earlier this week, and as of Tuesday evening 176,000 tweets with the hashtag were trending on the social media website. It sounds serious. … Read more

Gay Star Trek?

After CBS’ announcement that a new Star Trek series is planned for 2017, a new petition from The Queer Frontier is asking the network to put an LGBT character in the captain’s chair. “Star Trek has an incredible, indelible, history spanning 50 years on television and in cinema. It’s a history that includes five captains, six TV series spanning 726 episodes, 12 movies and more than 40 starring characters. Yet not once have we seen an openly gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT) character in a starring role,” the petition reads. While LGBT characters have gotten the nod and wink … Read more

Interview with ‘Nathan Burgoine on Writing the Gay Fantastical

'Nathan Burgoine

Awesome – our own ‘Nathan Burgoine was featured on SF Signal: ‘Nathan Burgoine grew up a reader and studied literature in university while making a living as a bookseller. His first published short story was “Heart” in the collection Fool for Love: New Gay Fiction. Since then, he has had over two dozen short stories published, and his first novel Light is available in e-book and print from Bold Strokes Books. Steve Berman: Thank you for baring your soul to SF Signal readers! ‘Nathan Burgoine: Uh oh. Soul baring? Understand I’m a Brit-born Canuck. Everyone is going to be blinded … Read more