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REVIEW: Visions of Stars, by A.M. Burns & A.T. Weaver

Visions of Stars

Title: Visions Of Stars Series: Shifter Force Book Three Author: A. M. Burns, A. T. Weaver Genre: LGBT Romance, Fantasy Crime Thriller LGBTQ+ Category: MM Gay Publisher: Mystichawker Press Pages: 266 Reviewer: Madison Get It On Amazon About The Book Stars are dying in the streets.  Falling stars, that’s all his vision showed him, then his powers went on the fritz. For years Connor McGriffin, psychic cougar shifter has relied on his gift of prophecy to let him know where to go and who to save. But trapped in Los Angles, waiting for more information than just stars falling into … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT/GIVEAWAY: Out of Time, by C.B. lewis

Out of Time

QSFer C.B. Lewis has a new MM Sci Fi tale out, book five in the Out of Time series: “Out of Time.” For Ben Sanders—traitor, thief, and temporal orphan—time is running out. After three years as a fugitive, with the police task force led by Lysander O’Donohue and Jacob Ofori hot on his heels, Ben has to resort to desperate measures to evade capture and find the key to locating his missing father, lost in time for over two decades. With secrets and conspiracies at every turn, the net grows ever tighter around him. Haunted by the people he betrayed, … Read more

REVIEW: Tri-Galactic Trek, by Mary E. Lowd

Tri-Galactic Trek

Title: Tri-Galactic Trek Series: Nexus Nine Book 0 Author: Mary E. Lowd Genre: Sci Fi, Uplift, Furry LGBTQ+ Category: Gay, Non-Binary Publisher: Fur Planet Pages: 224 Reviewer: Michael B. Get It On Amazon | Fur Planet About The Book Join Captain Pierre Jacques and the intrepid crew of the Starship Initiative on their grand journey through the universe. In addition to the loyal dogs and clever cats onboard, meet an Ursine exchange officer and a photosynthetic green otteroid from the planet Cetazed, not to mention the only android in the fleet—an androgynous arctic fox. In this episodic novel, you will … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT: I’m the Last Face You’ll Ever See, by Matt Converse

I'm the Last Face You'll Ever See

QSFer Matt Converse has a new MM Horror book out: “I’m the Last Face You’ll Ever See.” Take a terrifying look inside the twisted mind of a serial killer in this modern day nod to Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho. Sean’s nightmares seem psychically connected to Stephen, a loner who lives in the back of the building. After several grisly murders including a dead body reveal like no other, Sean and best friend Anna set out to expose him as the killer despite warnings from Anna’s boyfriend Danny. The killer speaks directly to the reader and lives by the chilling words he … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT/GIVEAWAY: The God’s Eye, by Anna Butler

The God's Eye, By Anna Butler

QSFer Anna Butler has a new MM steampunk romance out, Lancaster’s Luck Book three: “The God’s Eye.” Rafe Lancaster is reluctantly settling into his role as the First Heir of House Stravaigor. Trapped by his father’s illness and his new responsibilities, Rafe can’t go with lover Ned Winter to Aegypt for the 1902/03 archaeological digging season. Rafe’s unease at being left behind intensifies when Ned’s fascination with the strange Antikythera mechanism and its intriguing link to the Aegyptian god Thoth has Ned heading south to the remote, unexplored highlands of Abyssinia and the course of the Blue Nile. Searching for … Read more

COVER REVEAL/GIVEAWAY: Hallelujah, by Kim Fielding and F.E. Feeley Jr.


Kim Fielding and F.E. Feeley Jr. have a new gay horror book out, and we have the cover reveal: “Hallelujah.” Can you hear it? Whispering in the dark. Secrets only the dark knows. Joseph Moore, choir director for the First Baptist Church of Lenora, Nebraska, has secrets of his own. Terrible, lonely secrets. One that involves natural human desire. One that calls forth powers he cannot begin to understand. Both with the potential to destroy him and those he loves. Now the world is changing. The darkness, the shadows, the ghosts, are closing in—and Joseph and his lover, Kevin, are … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT/GIVEAWAY: Winter Masquerade, by Kevin Klehr

Winter Masquerade

QSFer Kevin Klehr has a new MM fantasy romance out: “Winter Masquerade.” Ferris wakes on the Sea Queen, an enchanted cruise ship sailing on a chocolate sea. He has no idea how he got here, but he desperately wants to go home to his boyfriend. The alchemist is the only person who can help Ferris, but he’s been kidnapped. The ransom is high tea with scones and jam. Meanwhile, the passengers are gearing up for the Winter Masquerade, a ball where love and magic reign. With a murderous musician, an absent boyfriend, and a mystical party, Ferris soon learns that … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT: Evergreen, by Cari Z


QSFer Cari Z has a new MM sci fi book out: “Evergreen.” Soldiers. Explorers. Lovers. Broken apart. Cy Konstantin and Scottie Andrews are supposed to make Project Evergreen’s one-way trip to Mars together. A near-fatal accident during training knocks Cy into a coma for half a year, and out of Project Evergreen. He works his way back to Scottie’s side, but he can’t rejoin the mission. Once Scottie leaves, they’re destined to live millions of miles apart for the rest of their lives. A deadly accident on Mars might spell the end of their distant romance, though—or be the thing … Read more

#OWNVOICES: Gay Authors

ownvoices - gay

On Saturdays on the QSF Facebook group, we’re now doing an #ownvoices day. Each week, we’ll feature a different group of writers who don’t get the attention they should. Today, we’re featuring authors who are gay and who write gay characters in speculative fiction. #ownvoices If you’re a gay author, tell us about yourself, your experiences as an author, and the spec fic books you write (especially those with gay characters – with links, please). If you’re not, you can still participate – share your favorite gay authors and their spec fic works that include gay characters. Note: This is … Read more

REVIEW: Malware, by Sara Rayne


Title: Malware Series: Idle Hands Author: Sara Rayne Genre: Sci Fi, Romance LGBTQ+ Category: MM Gay/Bi Publisher: Self Pages: 56 Reviewer: Olivia Get It On Amazon About The Book What did Riley Quinn build? It’s an urban legend. A cyber myth. A secret. On the eve of graduation from the Sharp University of Technology, her team of hackers celebrate the fruits of four years’ labors. Tomorrow they gift their invention to the world. Tensions are high and the lines of friendship will get crossed on their last night together. But awkward moments and unresolved sexual tension will be the least … Read more