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REVIEW: A Summer of Smoke and Sin, by TJ Nichols

A Summer of Smoke and Sin - TJ Nichols

Title: A Summer of Smoke and Sin Author: TJ Nichols Genre: Historical Urban Fantasy LGBTQ+ Category: MM Gay Publisher: Self Pages: 260 Reviewer: Maryann Get It On Amazon | Universal Link About The Book To stop a serial killer a detective will need to explore his own vices… Nathanial Bayard wants nothing more than to find the nobleman creating snuff pornography. If he fails, his career in the recently formed nobility taskforce will be over and as the youngest son he’ll be forced to obey his father and join the church. But a life of celibacy doesn’t appeal. Nathanial has … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT: Trust No Alpha, by Wendy Rathbone

Trust No Alpha, By Wendy Rathbone

QSFer Wendy Rathbone has a new MM fantasy/omegaverse romance out: “Trust No Alpha.” It’s a world gone mad. The Alphas are out of control.  When you discover you’re not who you thought you were, the nightmare begins. KRIS At age eighteen, life as he knows it is over for Kris. A secret to his nature he was not aware of has been revealed. Now, kept as a prisoner in a locked room in the mansion of his wealthy father, Kris is at the mercy of Alpha laws and Alpha domination. Things take a turn for the worse when his own … Read more

#OWNVOICES: Gay Authors

ownvoices - gay

On Saturdays on the QSF Facebook group, we’re now doing an #ownvoices day. Each week, we’ll feature a different group of writers who don’t get the attention they should. Today, we’re featuring authors who are gay and who write gay characters in speculative fiction. #ownvoices If you’re a gay author, tell us about yourself, your experiences as an author, and the spec fic books you write (especially those with gay characters – with links, please). If you’re not, you can still participate – share your favorite gay authors and their spec fic works that include gay characters. Note: This is … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT/GIVEAWAY: Of Magic and Scales, by Natalina Reis

Of Magic and Scales

Natalina Reis has a new MM Paranormal murder mystery romance out: “Of Magic and Scales.” With a serial killer on the loose, the baffling mystery of Aiden’s past, and their tenuous budding romance, Aiden and Fouchard tread through a world of magic and myth on padded shoes, terrified to stir up something neither can control or defeat. Aiden Mercer’s life now centers around lounging on the sunny beaches of his adopted country with a beer in one hand and a coffee in the other while admiring the local male population. After a rough life as a respected detective in DC, … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT: A Summer of Smoke and Sin, by TJ Nichols

A Summer of Smoke and Sin - TJ Nichols

QSFer TJ Nichols has a new MM historical urban fantasy out: “A Summer of Smoke and Sin.” To stop a serial killer a detective will need to explore his own vices… Nathanial Bayard wants nothing more than to find the nobleman creating snuff pornography. If he fails, his career in the recently formed nobility taskforce will be over and as the youngest son he’ll be forced to obey his father and join the church. But a life of celibacy doesn’t appeal. Nathanial has never even kissed another man, fearing for his soul and his reputation. Jericho Fulbright has never lived … Read more

REVIEW: The Arch-Mage’s Firebird, by K.L. Noone

The Arch-Mage's Firebird, By K.L. Noone

Title: The Arch-Mage’s Firebird Series: Kitten & Witch Author: K.L. Noone Genre: Paranormal, Fantasy, Shapeshifters LGBTQ+ Category: Bi, Gay MM Publisher: JMS Books Pages: 56 Reviewer: Eric Alan Westfall Get It On Amazon About The Book Thomas East was meant to be the youngest Arch-Mage in history, a magical genius and a solver of problems. But he hadn’t expected quite so many problems — not to mention the endless meetings, bureaucracy, and political negotiations. So he’s currently hiding in a sleepy California seaside town, working in an ice cream parlor and avoiding everyone he’s let down … until a firebird … Read more

REVIEW: The Shipwright and Other Stories, by Matthew Buscemi

Review - The Shipwright and Other Stories, by Matthew Buscemi

Title: The Shipwright and Other Stories Author: Matthew Buscemi Genre: Fantasy LGBTQ+ Category: Gay (one story) Publisher: Matthew Buscemi Publishing Reviewer: Scott Get It On Amazon About The Book The Palípolian archipelago is a world of poets, warriors, philosophers, engineers, and wanderers. Arkh Makhaino yearns to leave his island home of Khatap for the larger and busier mainland city of Épanngel, but worries that the Shipwrights’ Guild there will not accept him. Arkh struggles to resolve his lingering self-doubt while arduously waiting for a reply. In other parts of Palípoli: a young man seeks a singular experience in the desert; … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT: Cinis, by Pelaam

Cinis - Pelaam

QSFer Pelaam has a new gay poly paranormal shifter book out: “Cinis.” When Valentine’s sire is forced to take a mate by his Clan leader, Valentine is reduced to stoking the castle’s furnaces as nothing more than a cindered servant to the new matriarch. With his sire Libertine incarcerated and Valentine forced to wear a cursed collar, there seems no way to escape Belladonna’s hold on them. When a stranger appears, Valentine is surprised by how quickly he trusts the other vampire. He accepts the request to go to the castle of his Clan Lord, the ancient and powerful Hades, … Read more

REVIEW: Demon in the Whitelands, by Nikki Z. Richard

Demon in the Whitelands - Nikki Z. Richard

Title: Demon in the Whitelands Author: Nikki Z. Richard Genre: Fantasy LGBTQ+ Category: Gay, Gender Fluid, Intersex, Non-Binary, Pansexual Publisher: Self Pages: 300 Reviewer: Xanthe, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon About The Book Sometimes no matter how hard you try, some things cannot be explained. Sixteen-year-old Samuel, son of devout cleric, has endured shame and prejudice his entire life. Although he is destined to become clergy too, he longs for an ordinary life in the whitelands away from demons and holy roots.  When the mayor claims to have captured a mute demon girl, Samuel is forced to become … Read more

FILM: ‘The Eternals’ to feature married gay superhero

It looks like Marvel is finally going to deliver on its promise to provide substantive LGBTQ representation in its “cinematic universe.” Actor Haaz Sleimann, who is openly gay, was speaking to LGBTQ media outlet NewNowNext for a profile story when he revealed that he will be portraying the husband of a gay superhero in the studio’s upcoming film, “The Eternals,” slated for a November 2020 release. Sleimann, 43, has recently garnered attention for his role as a gay Syrian refugee in Apple+ TV’s anthology series “Little America,” and previously made headlines in 2017 when he came out not only as … Read more