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Review: You Are Cordially Invited to Crossroads Station – Mary E. Lowd

You are Cordially Invited to Crossroads Station - Mary E. Lowd

Genre: Sci-Fi, Furry, Cozy Space Opera LGBTQ+ Category: Lesbian, Trans MTF Reviewer: Lucy Get It On Amazon About The Book When an unexpected wedding invitation arrives, Anno packs her family up for a trip across the stars. There’s a lot of fun, touristy things to do on Crossroads Station, including spacewalks, cloud surfing on New Jupiter, and enjoying the cosmopolitan atmosphere of a place that’s home to many dozens of different species of alien. But there’s also a reckoning to be had with her larger family, who Anno hasn’t seen in eight years. She was born and raised in the … Read more


dolphin - deposit photos

FOR READERS & WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer Scott: Inspired by the “do octopuses dream” post today – David Brin popularized the idea of “uplift” – bringing sentience (or enhancing it) to non-human creatures, like dolphins or chimpanzees. Readers – what are your fave uplift stories? Writers, what have you written? Writers: This is a reader/writer chat – you are welcome to share your own book/link, as long as it fits the chat, but please do so as part of a discussion about the topic. Join the chat: FB:

ANNOUNCEMENT: Cold Blood, by Bill Kieffer

Cold Blood

QSFer Bill Kieffer has a new queer furry/paranormal anthology out: Cold Blood. It’s a dark world where love and redemption have a cost that can only be measured in blood and violence. It’s just like your own Earth, except darker… furrier… scalier. There are no humans. If there were ever humans, they are just the myths now of strange religions and cultures. The place to be is New Amsterdam, where its five boroughs form a familiar cityscape in the Independent and United States of America. Every race, every species co-mingle here with a tolerant surface of live and let live. … Read more

Announcement: Seven Deadly Sins: Furry Confessions Anthology

Seven Deadly Sins: Furry Confessions

QSFer Bill Kieffer is part of a new Furry anthology: Seven Deadly Sins has been a literary trope for centuries, popularized by Italian poet Dante. They are as follows: pride, greed, lust, wrath, gluttony, envy, and sloth. This collection is divided respectively into the seven parts. You will see anthro-animal characters at their darkest and weakest moments: at the whorehouse, at the chopping block, in the morgue, in the dining room with the candlestick. There is horror—especially in Wrath—and erotica—especially in Lust. Experience these characters’ sins. Then, stand and judge…or fall and be judged. Bill has a story in the … Read more