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TV: Tyler DiChiara on Trans Representation in Gotham Knights

Gotham Knights

Trans actor Tyler DiChiara, who plays Cullen Row in Batman spinoff Gotham Knights, has opened up about the experience of creating a fully realised trans character. Gotham Knights centres on various ‘disciples’ of the Caped Crusader, many of whom are framed for his murder. The series cast multiple queer and trans actors in these roles – one of whom is Tyler DiChiara. Based on the DC comic series of the same name, the events of Gotham Knights takes place after the death of Bruce Wayne, aka Batman. Without the Dark Knight roaming in the shadows, Gotham’s seedy underbelly takes over, … Read more

New Release: Consortium – Gina A. Pond

Consortium - Gina A. Pond

QSFer Gina A. Pond has a new queer sci-fi book out, Survey book 4: Consortium. What if first contact happened, and nobody even noticed? Light-years away, years ago, something insignificant happened. Now, the spirits are restless. Loki has returned, seeking help for his people. Entire stations are being consumed, populations lost. No one understands why, and the threat continues to spread. Can Jack, Marsha and teenager Po carry the weight of saving Loki’s civilisation? This time, it may break them all. Get It At Amazon Excerpt Recording of Bridge ActivityUnity Fleet Ship JemisonUT 73891Library Record Number: L589Logged UT 73901—Possible Survey … Read more

Review: Transistor – Molly J. Bragg

Transistor - Molly J. Bragg

Genre: Sci-Fi, Superhero, Romance LGBTQ+ Category: Lesbian, Trans MTF Reviewer: Beáta Get It On Amazon About The Book When Naomi Woodward’s doctor recommended her for a clinical trial, it seemed like the answer to her prayers. She was finally able to get her gender confirmation surgery and the surgery was a resounding success. She finally looked and felt like the woman she always knew she was. Her new face and new body finally helped her work up the nerve to ask out Anika, the beautiful nurse that lived across the hall. To her delight Anika said yes, but when they … Read more

New Release: Colony – Gina A. Pond

Colony - Gina A. Pond

QSFer Gina A. Pond has a new queer sci-fi book out, Survey book 3: Colony. Jenny needs time to heal – but she’n not going to get it. After her near destruction on New Harmony, Jenny Frasier retreats to Musashi. She submerges herself in training and meditation, trying to find her balance again. Once more, she is unexpectedly catapulted to the front lines of a war of hatred – one she is uniquely qualified to win, with some help. As a deep-cover espionage specialist, Lulu uses her sociopathic tendencies for the greater good, but she never expects love, connection – … Read more

Video Games: “The Sims ” Adds Top Surgery Scars, Binders

Video Games: "The Sims " Adds Top Surgery Scars, Binders

Transmasculine Sims players now have more tools to make their avatars look more like themselves. The latest update to The Sims 4, released earlier this week, includes new customization options including chest binders and top surgery scars. The Sims, of course, is a life simulation game that allows players to create and customize their own characters and homes and interact with other players in the game’s virtual world. Full Story From LGBTQ Nation

New Release: Vampire’s Grimoire – Roan Rosser

Vampire's Grimoire - Roan Rosser

QSFer Roan Rosser has a new mm paranormal fantasy out, Changing Bodies book 4 (gay, trans FTM): Vampire’s Grimoire. Xander is many things, but he isn’t a vampire… yet. For now, being a vampire’s daytime assistant has its perks. Hanging out with vampires is just one of them. The downsides? Well, for one, Xander and his friends getting kidnapped by a group of armed mages. They want a book they think Xander’s boss has in his possession, and refusing them means torture followed by a slow death. Being a normal human among supernaturals, at the mercy of those stronger, has … Read more

Review: A Fae’s Two Alphas – Jem Zero

A Fae's Two Alphas - Jem Zero

Genre: Paranormal, Romance LGBTQ+ Category: Bi, Gay, Poly, Trans FTM Reviewer: Lucy Get It On Amazon About The Book Bennett Chiston is fed up. After eight years with his fae father in Faerie, being trapped in a small Northern Michigan town with his controlling human mother is pure agony. Magic defined Bennett—it affirmed his identity as a trans man and allowed him true freedom. Too bad Bennett’s father stole his magic and kicked him out of Faerie with zero explanation. Desperate to return, Bennett hunts down Callum Truett, a reclusive magewolf alpha who may be able to restore Bennett’s magic. … Read more

New Release: Wolfpack – Rem Wigmore

Wolfpack - Rem Wigmore

QSFer Rem Wigmore has a new queer solarpunk book out (bi, nb, gender fluid, trans FM, trans MTF), Orfeus Tales book 2: Wolfpack. Orfeus the hunter is searching for redemption in the wake of destruction… Orfeus has always loved grand gestures. And what could be grander than risking her life to gain entry to the fabled Cloud Forest to find one of humanity’s greatest losses and make a gift of it to her beloved? But the cost proves higher than she could have ever imagined and now she is on the run, navigating a whole new world of danger with … Read more

New Release: Spyder’s Trouble – Korin I. Dushayl

New Release: Spyder’s Trouble - Korin I. Dushayl

QSFer Korin I. Dushayl has a new queer erotic space opera book out (bi, gay, lesbian, non-binary, poly, trans MTF), The Lady and the Spyder book 1: Spyder’s Trouble. As shadows of a repressive piety movement spread across the system’s free worlds, the Lady Cassandra and her slaves must flee their home. Exiled to the desert, the Dominatrix contacts her only hope for salvation—Spyder, captain of the spaceship Trouble. Spyder ignores threats from the powerful criminal whose cargo fills Trouble’s hold, as well as the anger of his influential and overdue passenger. Risking his life, his spaceship, and his crew … Read more

New Release: The Story of the Hundred Promises – Neil Cochrane

The Story of the Hundred Promises - Neil Cochrane

QSFer Neil Cochrane has a new queer fairy tale retelling of Beauty and the Beast out (ace, non-binary, poly, trans FTM): The Story of the Hundred Promises. A loose retelling of “Beauty and the Beast” that centers queer and trans characters Trans sailor Darragh Thorn has made a comfortable life for himself among people who love and accept him. Ten years after his exile from home, though, his sister asks him to reconcile with their ailing father. Determined to resolve his feelings rather than just survive them, Darragh sets off on a quest to find the one person who can … Read more