New Release: Song of Flames – M.D. Grimm
M.D. Grimm has a new MMF fantasy romance out, Sisters of Song book 1: Song of Flames. She tried to steal treasure from the dragons’ hoard… and stole their hearts instead.To save her sister from a lascivious lord, Venya must steal a piece of treasure from a legendary dragon’s hoard. Dragons haven’t been seen in several generations, so imagine her surprise when she wakes not one, but two dragons from their hibernation. While the battle-honed Onyx is intent on having her for lunch, the graceful Gold appears more curious than angered by the theft. Abyss and Ray have very different … Read more
Ancient Aramaic Incantation Describes Fiery Devourer – Live Science
A 2,800-year-old incantation, written in Aramaic, describes the capture of a creature called the “devourer” said to be able to produce “fire.” Discovered in August 2017 within a small building, possibly a shrine, at the site of Zincirli (called “Sam’al” in ancient times), in Turkey, the incantation is inscribed on a stone cosmetic container. Written by a man who practiced magic who is called “Rahim son of Shadadan,” the incantation” describes the seizure of a threatening creature [called] the ‘devourer,’” wrote Madadh Richey and Dennis Pardee in the abstract of a presentation they gave recently at the Society of Biblical Literature … Read more