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5 Tips for Lesbian Time Travelers

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by Elizabeth Andre Time travelling can be lots of fun, just ask H.G. Wells who wrote The Time Machine, but such journeys have special challenges for lesbians. Laws and attitudes have changed a lot over the decades. Being a lesbian can complicate a time traveller’s attempts to fit into a new time and place. Accidentally travelling through time can make the situation even more challenging. Just ask Dara Gillard. She’s an African-American lesbian from 21st century Chicago who accidentally travels to Edwardian London in my novel, The Time Slip Girl. This is what she says about how to prepare for … Read more

Exclusive Cover Reveal: The Time Slip Girl, By Elizabeth Andre

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QSFer Elizabeth Andre shares her cover reveal of a new FF Sci Fi book excliusively with Queer Sci Fi: The Time Slip Girl, an interracial lesbian time travel novel published by Tulabella Ruby Press will be available for pre-order on April 19 and for sale on May 19. What if the woman you loved was more than a century away? Dara, a Chicago lesbian, is visiting London when she opens a door in an Edwardian house and slips into Edwardian England. Agnes, a beautiful London shop girl, takes in the bewildered 21st century American, but, as Dara begins to accept … Read more

Announcement: Love Spanks Anthology

QSFer Anastasia Vitsky is in a new FF romance anthology that includes some spec fic pieces, part of the Seasonal Spankings series: Seasonal Spankings is a four-year tradition of authors coming together to share excerpts of their work, offer prizes, and interact with readers. Love Spanks, the first weekend in February, focuses on F/F fiction. Sci Spanks (June 12-14 for 2015) includes all pairings within the broad range of speculative fiction. For more information, find Anastasia Vitsky at Governing Ana ( or on Facebook. If you are interested in writing for Sci Spanks this year, please send her a sample … Read more