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Announcement: Kiss of Fire, Amber Quill Press

Kiss of Fire

Amber Quill Press has a new five book pack out about Dragons that includes three QSFers: About A Dragon by A. J. Llewellyn TV writer Teddy Greist thinks he’s met the perfect guy. The man with the unusual name of Song Smith is so wonderful, Teddy couldn’t have written him better. He’s sexy, soulful, full of ambition, and–oh, no, Teddy soon realizes–just a little bit crazy. Just as Teddy’s getting comfortable with the idea of being in love and having his hit show Oahu P.D. on the air at the same time, Song suddenly confesses to some weird family curse, … Read more

Announcement: Shamrock Lite, by Albert Northlit

Shamrock Lite

MLR Press author Albert Nothlit has a new Fantasy book out: One lifetime of experience, and suddenly magic. Richard has come to Ireland to reflect on years gone by, not to become mixed up in the affairs of the fairy folk. The handsome stranger he meets will not be denied, however. He makes Richard young again—for a price. Excerpt Richard Trowes got on the tour bus with resigned exhaustion. The trip that had looked so good on the travel agency’s web site was proving to be insufferable, and there was still one more day to go. Plus, whatever remained of … Read more

The Midweek Mingle: The BSB

“You got your sci-fi in my QUILTBAG+ manifesto!” “You got your QUILTBAG+ manifesto in my sci-fi!” And that, my friends, is the gist of the Midweek Mingle (I promise, this’ll be the only post with an intro like this.). Every Wednesday, I’ll be bringing you posts on bringing in the QUILTBAG+ community, both into your writing and into the sci-fi and fantasy community we all know and love. But enough of that. Let’s get into the meat of this.   For several years now, every time I go to Radcon, I’ve been on panels about gender and sexuality, or building … Read more

Announcement: One Warlock’s Love Story: That Stormy Knight, by Shad O. Walker

One Warlock's Love Story: That Stormy Knight

Torquere Press and QSFer Shad O. Walker has a new fantasy book out: In a world where shape shifters are openly bisexual, vampires have insatiable sex drives, and warlocks emit pheromones that make everyone around them horny, Zander Knight finds himself at a crossroads. He emerges from a coma with the realization that that he may be the only living being in the world that is part vampire, part magical and part shape shifter. Unable to understand or control his new powers, his condition puts him at odds with his family who is at the very center of a movement … Read more

Announcement – Pandemonia: Combustible, by Darcy Abriel

Pandemonia: Combustible

Amber Quill Press author and QSFer Darcy Abriel has a new sci fi book out: Earth of 4035 is a wasteland populated with sectors of penal colonies, seeded through the generations by its life-long inhabitants of criminals, lunatics, political prisoners, and DNA-spliced mutants, all ruled by a powerful conglomerate of scientific researchers called the Nucleate. One such sector, Pandemonia, is situated on the former European continent in the vicinity of Paris, now a hunting ground of a world gone horribly awry. Drayce Eth, of dragogen-spliced DNA creation, rules one quandrant of Old Paris with a strong hand. He has never … Read more

YA in Speculative Fiction

Gay YA

Today’s topic comes from QSFer Anastasia Vitsky: “Could we have a day devoted to YA?” I think it’s a great idea. While I haven’t written any yet myself, there’s a market for it. So here are my questions today – do you write or read LGBT YA sci fi, fantasy or paranormal books? If you’re an author in this genre, how have they been received? What sells and what doesn’t? Is it difficult navigating the line between what’s acceptable and what’s not in YA? And as a reader, what are some of the stand-out books you’ve read?

“Ash and Echoes” by August Li

Ash and Echoes is a Romantic Fantasy Epic. I don’t have the opportunity to read many of those, and I don’t think I’ve read anything quite like this work, but if I had to pick something similar, the closest I can think to compare it to is Deckard’s Baal’s Heart trilogy or The Devil’s Fire by Sara Bell. Baal’s Heart is probably the most similar since it was also a trilogy and menage. The power of three! Our main character, Yarroway L’Estrella, is a bit of an odd ball (my favorite). Not only is he a magic user–something I interpreted … Read more

Announcement: Submerging Inferno, by Brandon Witt

QSFer and DSPP Author Brandon Witt has a new Fantasy / Paranormal book out: Brett Wright and Finn de Morisco come from vastly different worlds. Disowned by his family for being gay, Brett builds both a life on his own terms and walls around his emotions. But nothing can prepare him for the evil that stalks him in the night or from discovering the dark secrets of his heritage. The youngest of a doting family, Finn lives a sheltered life that allows him to trust easily and makes him quick to jump to the rescue. While using his knowledge of … Read more

Announcement: The Tin Man’s Heart. by Cree Storm

The Tin Man's Heart

QSFer Cree Storm has a new MM fantasy book out in the Mystic Series: After a meteor attack a group of men are brought together by the World Council called MYSTIC. MYSTIC is a group of men with multiple powers known as celestials. They are only brought in to deal with Nefariouses, men with powers used for their own evil, twisted purpose. Maxim is a MYSTIC agent. He can change the weather, shoot fire, and even turn into metal. He fears very little, until he meets his mate, Quade Sanders. Quade Sanders is renowned. He has saved hundreds of lives … Read more

Announcement: Ice and Embers, by August Li

Ice and Embers

DSPP author and QSFer Gus Li has a re-release fantasy book out (Blessed Epoch Book 2): Despite their disparate natures, Yarrow, Duncan, and Sasha united against overwhelming odds to save Prince Garith’s life. Now Garith is king and the three friends may be facing their undoing. Distraught over Yarrow’s departure to find the cure to his magical affliction, Duncan struggles with his new role as Bairn of Windwake, a realm left bankrupt and in turmoil by his predecessor. Many of Duncan’s vassals conspire against him, and Sasha’s unorthodox solutions to Duncan’s problem have earned them the contempt of Garith’s nobles. … Read more