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Discussion: Why is Your Sword So Big?

giant sword

Today’s topic comes from QSFer and Admin Angel Martinez: Why are fantasy swords so dang big and complicated? We’ve shared this before, but there’s a great post on Fantasy weapon tropes here: Which includes: 7. The Weapon Too Big to Be Useful: Like mystical metals, this is a trope that’s supposed to act as a metaphor. See how big this weapon is? It’s directly proportional to either how awesome or evil its owner is. There is no doubt that for many characters in fantasy, their sword is tied into their identity. But, seriously, unless the size is meant to … Read more

Announcement: Dragon’s Treasure, by Qaida Harte

Dragon's Treasure

QSFer Qaida Harte has a new Fantasy book out: College student Ahndrai has the ill fortune of falling into the grasp of an attractive, sadistic vampire. He encounters Eita, a vampire who lusts for Ahndrai’s sweet blood and tears apart his world. Eita demonstrates that every myth and legend ever written is only too real, and they are far darker than portrayed in any story. Ahndrai must face a host of monsters that Eita allows to attack and kill him. Each time he dies, Eita revives him so he can continue to feed off of him. Ahndrai’s fears lead him … Read more

Fantasy in New Settings

beach elf

Today’s discussion topic comes from QSFer MK Mancos: Taking Fantasy into different directions like the Australian Outback or High Sierras. Fantasy (or at least High Fantasy) traditionally takes place in foresty settings in fantasy worlds. Then there’s urban fantasy, which is usually in a gritty city setting. But are we leaving out a whole host of other potential settings? Where would you set a non-traditional fantasy story, and why?

Announcement: Bound Volume 2, by Amy Lane

Bound V2

QSFer Amy Lane has a new fantasy/paranormal book out: Cory’s newly bound family is starting to find its footing, which is a good thing because danger after danger threatens, and Green can’t be there nearly as often as he’s needed. As Cory learns to face the challenges of ruling the hill alone, she’s also juggling a menage relationship with three lovers—with mixed results. But with each new challenge, one lesson becomes crystal clear: she can’t be queen without each of the men who look to her, and the people she loves aren’t safe unless she takes on that queendom with … Read more

Announcement: The Artist’s Masquerade, by Antonia Aquilante

The Artist's Masquerade

QSFer Antonia Aquilante has a new fantasy book out: As the first-born son of the Duke of Tournai and cousin to the prince, Cathal has always tried to fulfill his duty to family and country, including following through with an arranged marriage to Velia, cousin to the emperor of Ardunn. But it’s Velia’s companion, Flavia, who fascinates Cathal. Cathal doesn’t know that Flavia is really Flavian, a man masquerading as a woman to escape Ardunn, a restrictive place in which Flavian’s preference for men is forbidden. Even when Cathal discovers Flavian’s true gender, he cannot fight his attraction to him. … Read more

Discussion: Favorite Fantasy Books

Today’s topic comes from QSFer Elizabeth Barrette: What are your favorite fantasy books with queer characters and how far back do they go? I’m fondly remembering the gay unicorn that Alan Dean Foster put in one of his novels. I haven’t read a lot of fantasy with LGBTI characters myself, but I did love the characters in The Chronicles of Tornor. And you? We have a bunch of modern day fantasy works to choose from, too… Come join the chat

Announcement: Checkmate Ever After, by Lex Chase

Checkmate Ever After

DSPP Author Lex Chase has a new Fantasy book out: The day disgraced superhero Memphis Rook literally fell into Hogarth Dawson’s lap, you could say it was fate. But the brawny Rook did nearly crush Garth’s pancreas. What started as two ships passing in the night ended on the weirdest adventure of their lives. Together, Rook and Garth form Checkmate, a daring super duo that keeps Axis City safe from a rogue’s gallery of nefarious villains, dastardly masterminds, and a coalition of calamity. Fighting evil wherever it appears—from reality shows to comic book conventions—Checkmate serves up knuckle sandwiches of justice. … Read more

Announcement: An Ordinary Hero, by Therese Woodson

Ordinary Hero

QSFer Therese Woodson has a new superhero novella out: As a paramedic, Ryan Bishop has responded to his fair share of bizarre situations. However, he’s not prepared when he meets Phillip, a local man who keeps popping up to save the day. Everyone lauds Phillip as a hero, but he prefers to stay in the background, going so far as to refuse medical treatment. Ryan is intrigued, not only by Phillip’s unassuming manner, but also by his ability to be in the right place at the right time. Ryan wants some answers and maybe even a date. What he gets … Read more

Announcement: Blood Storm, by Steven Harper

Steven Harper

QSFer Steven Harper has a new fantasy book out: Ages ago, those who had the ability to change their shape lost it, leading to endless bloody battles for supremacy between the races—until one reluctant hero stepped forth to restore peace to the world.… Even though Danr the half troll ended centuries of fighting, he still is not living the quiet life he longs for. Rumors have arisen that certain people are once again wielding the power of the shape. If Danr could learn to use it, he could become fully human and spend his life with his beloved, Aisa. But … Read more

Discussion: Mixing Genres

mixing genres

I’m never happy unless I’m moving. People who know me will attest to this. I am always doing at least three things at once. And yes, before you say it, I know it will drive me into an early grave. Where I will still be multitasking. But I’m the same with my writing. Not only do I almost always have at least three projects going, but I like to mix multiple genres in each one – often sci fi and fantasy together. Which brings me to my questions: Do you stick with one genre, or do you like to go … Read more