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Social Media for Writers

Social Media

FOR WRITERS Angel is taking a break from her Bits this week. Yeah, I knew that sounded wrong as soon as I typed it. :P Anyhow, today’s writer topic comes from QSFer Ben Brock: “Which social media platforms are best for which things?” I’ll elaborate a bit. As writers, we need to reach out to current and potential readers to energize and grow our fan base. Are some social media platforms better for reaching different parts of the LGBTIQA rainbow? Are some better for promo? What about bang for the buck? Are some best for advertising, while others may be … Read more

For Writers: Page Sharing

Scott Page

We had a great session yesterday with Naomi from Dreamspinner on social media for writers. If you missed it, you can find the transcript here: One of the things that came up was the effectiveness of using targeted FB ads. Essentially, by spending $5-$15 a month, you can boost visits to your FB page – even this small amount has a “halo” effect, bringing more traffic to your page in general, as FB rewards you for spending money in their ecosystem. Plus these ads can be targeted very specifically – for instance, you could choose to have them shown … Read more

Discussion: Facebook News

Hey all, A couple interesting things surfaced on my radar about Facebook in the last 24 hours that I thought would make good fodder for discussion today. First off, Facebook is beta testing its revised Real Names policy, something that affects both drag queens and authors. From The Advocate: The test, designed to improve the way Facebook enforces its policy on “real” names, was announced last month, the latest effort in the company’s long struggle to address criticism that its rules erase the identities of those with nonlegal chosen names that more accurately reflect their identities… Facebook changed the (reporting) … Read more

Do Facebook Events Work?

FB Event Invite

We all get them. Invitations to attend a Facebook cover reveal, or author chat, or page takeover. I’ve gone to a few – I’ve enjoyed them, and even won a free book or two. But as promotional vehicles for authors, do they work? As a writer, do you use them, and if so, what have they done for you? And as a reader, do you like attending events on FB with authors?