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Announcement: Cosmic Encounters

Cosmic Encounters

QSFer Nicolette deSada alerted us to a new erotic sci fi anthology she’s in: From across the universe these stories have come together to guide readers through a whole gambit of erotic pairings and interactions all with a science fiction twist. Be it mutated humans or aliens from far flung worlds there is something for everyone. Excerpt Happily Ever After… The Dwarf was looking dispiritedly through the wanted ads in The Stage when Snow White came in, shaking the cold and wet off her coat. “Anything?” she asked brightly, feigning a smile. “Not a one,” he replied glumly. “Oh well, … Read more

Announcement: Sarge, by Bey Deckard

QSFer Bey Deckard has a new book out: Sometimes it’s just about being in the right place at the right time… with the right person. Sarge is the short story of a burgeoning D/s relationship between two space marines stationed on an alien planet where an endless war drags on. Sergeant Wilkes is a hard man with a long, celebrated military career. Brawny, tattooed, and utterly submissive, Murphy is just an interesting diversion… until Sarge realises he has found something truly rare. Excerpt You’re a good boy, Murph,” he says softly to me. “You get me home, get me patched … Read more